


Greetings. I am new to Android and haven't touched Java in a long time.

我工作的一个应用程序专为Nexus S的采用Android 2.3.1。我想应用程序采取多张照片快速很少的用户输入。目前,我想是能够得到10幅图像从相机尽快。在我的code我已经takePicture()被启动,像这样:

I'm working on an app specifically for the Nexus S with Android 2.3.1. I would like the app to take several photos quickly with little user input. At the moment I would like to be able to get 10 images from the camera as quickly as possible. In my code I have takePicture() being started like so:

takepicture = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button); // created button from main.xml
takepicture.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){ // creating useful button
    public void onClick(View view){
        mCamera.takePicture(mShutterCallback,mPictureCallback,mjpeg); // when clicked take picture


This works for one image per click which is saved using

PictureCallback mjpeg = new PictureCallback() { // for compressed picture data
    public void onPictureTaken(byte[],data, Camera c { /*Saving image to internal sd card*/ }

我试图把的 takePicture()的在for循环中,但没有奏效。有什么建议么?请让我知道如果你需要更多的信息。先谢谢了。

I tried putting takePicture() in a for loop but that didn't work. Any suggestions? Please let me know if you need more info. Thanks in advance.



It is probably trying to take the second picture while taking the first one, and dismissing it. Wait a second or so between each takePicture() call. Or, much better, use the pictureCallback to fire the second takePicture()


10-12 00:55