


I'm writing an SNMP agent and the MIB definition includes an OID of type Unsigned32.

代理的Unix实现使用Net-SNMP并设置OID as type ASN_UNSIGNED,因为它没有ASN_UNSIGNED32。当我看到与Wireshark的GET响应,它解码为Gauge32值。这一点很有意义,因为根据RFC 1902 Unsigned32和Gauge32是一样的。

The Unix implementation of the agent uses Net-SNMP and sets the OID as type ASN_UNSIGNED, since it doesn't have an ASN_UNSIGNED32. When I look at the GET response with Wireshark, it decodes it as a "Gauge32" value. That makes sense at first sight, because according to RFC 1902 Unsigned32 and Gauge32 are the same.


The Windows implementation is based on Windows' SnmpAPI.lib and sets the OID as ASN_UNSIGNED32 and when I look at the GET response with Wireshark, it decodes it as "Unsigned32". That looks even better to me.


How come the 2 implementations produce different results on the wire ?


事实证明Net-SNMP正在使用当前RFC 1902编码,其中Unsigned32和Gauge32是相同的,而Windows使用过时的RFC 1442编码,其中Unsigned32和Gauge32有不同的编码。

It turns out Net-SNMP is using the current RFC 1902 encoding where Unsigned32 and Gauge32 are identical, while Windows uses the obsolete RFC 1442 encoding where Unsigned32 and Gauge32 had different encodings.


06-10 01:29