



  def keepLo​​oking(expectedToken:String,maxTries:Int){
var attempts = 0
var token =
do {
Thread.sleep(试试* 1000)//不要通过调用太快来压倒服务! (尝试< = maxTries&&& token!= expectedToken)

token = makeSomeNetworkCall()
tries + = 1
} b


  1.to(maxTries)map {tryNum => 
Thread.sleep(tryNum - 1 * 1000)//不要通过调用太快来压倒服务!
}存在(_ == expectedToken)

$ b $ ol

  • map 是懒惰的,所以存在应该将它短路,对吧?如果我在第二次通话中找到我的代币,我不想进行10次网络通话。

  • 有没有更符合我个人喜好的习惯?

  • 解决方案


    <$ c $如果您将范围转换为流,则 (1到10).toStream map(i => {println(i); i})exists(_ == 2)(b =

    // 1
    // 2

    I have some Scala code that should query a network service for a certain token, then compare that token to an expected one. I want to keep querying for the expected token until I find it, or until I've made N unsuccessful attempts.

    Here's how it could be done in a Java-tacular fashion:

    def keepLooking(expectedToken: String, maxTries: Int) {
      var tries = 0
      var token = ""
      do {
        Thread.sleep(tries * 1000) // don't overwhelm the service by calling it too fast!
        token = makeSomeNetworkCall()
        tries += 1
      } while (tries <= maxTries && token != expectedToken)

    I'd like to do it more functionally. I have one idea:

    1.to(maxTries) map { tryNum =>
      Thread.sleep(tryNum - 1 * 1000) // don't overwhelm the service by calling it too fast!
    } exists (_ == expectedToken)

    But this raises two questions:

    1. map is lazy, so exists should short circuit it, right? I don't want to make 10 network calls if I find my token on the second call.
    2. Is there a more idiomatic way to achieve what I want?

    Answer to 1.:

    map is only lazy if you convert the Range to a Stream:

    (1 to 10).toStream map (i => { println(i); i }) exists (_ == 2)
    // will print
    // 1
    // 2


    09-11 10:55