原始问题上下文没有显示ast属性(我不好!),因此答案无法考虑所有活动部分.现在,该问题说明ast属性的外观以及如何使用ast通过符号表评估表达式.因此,后续的问题是正确拼写的三元条件应该如何改变ast类型以及条件和表达式如何相互作用(根据我的理解,它现在不属于x3 :: variant的一部分)从主解析器选择中删除)这是ast属性和声明的符号定义的样子namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;namespace ast {struct nil {};struct unary_op;struct binary_op;struct conditional_op;struct expression;struct operand : x3::variant< nil , double , std::string , x3::forward_ast<unary_op> , x3::forward_ast<binary_op> //, x3::forward_ast<conditional_op> // conditional_op not here? , x3::forward_ast<expression> > { using base_type::base_type; using base_type::operator=;};struct unary_op { double (*op)(double); operand rhs;};struct binary_op { double (*op)(double, double); operand lhs; operand rhs;};/*struct conditional_op { operand lhs; operand rhs_true; operand rhs_false;};*/struct conditional_op { expression lhs; // how the exact type is spelled? optional<expression, expression> maybe_rhs;};struct operation { double (*op)(double, double); operand rhs;};// what is the type of expression ?struct expression { conditional_op conditional;};/*struct expression { operand lhs; std::list<operation> rhs;};*/} // namespace aststruct constant_ : x3::symbols<double> { constant_() { add ("e" , boost::math::constants::e<double>()) ("pi" , boost::math::constants::pi<double>()) ; }} constant;struct ufunc_ : x3::symbols<double (*)(double)> { ufunc_() { add ("abs" , static_cast<double (*)(double)>(&std::abs)) ; }} ufunc;struct bfunc_ : x3::symbols<double (*)(double, double)> { bfunc_() { add ("max" , static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&std::fmax)) ; }} bfunc;struct unary_op_ : x3::symbols<double (*)(double)> { unary_op_() { add ("+", static_cast<double (*)(double)>(&math::plus)) ("-", static_cast<double (*)(double)>(&math::minus)) ("!", static_cast<double (*)(double)>(&math::unary_not)) ; }} unary_op;struct additive_op_ : x3::symbols<double (*)(double, double)> { additive_op_() { add ("+", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::plus)) ("-", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::minus)) ; }} additive_op;struct multiplicative_op_ : x3::symbols<double (*)(double, double)> { multiplicative_op_() { add ("*", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::multiplies)) ("/", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::divides)) ("%", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&std::fmod)) ; }} multiplicative_op;struct logical_op_ : x3::symbols<double (*)(double, double)> { logical_op_() { add ("&&", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::logical_and)) ("||", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::logical_or)) ; }} logical_op;struct relational_op_ : x3::symbols<double (*)(double, double)> { relational_op_() { add ("<" , static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::less)) ("<=", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::less_equals)) (">" , static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::greater)) (">=", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::greater_equals)) ; }} relational_op;struct equality_op_ : x3::symbols<double (*)(double, double)> { equality_op_() { add ("==", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::equals)) ("!=", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::not_equals)) ; }} equality_op;struct power_ : x3::symbols<double (*)(double, double)> { power_() { add ("**", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&std::pow)) ; }} power;更完整的语法和ast属性的定义如下(根据 Boost Spirit x3条件(三元)运算符解析器)struct expression_class;struct logical_class;struct equality_class;struct relational_class;struct additive_class;struct multiplicative_class;struct factor_class;struct primary_class;struct unary_class;struct binary_class;struct conditional_class;struct variable_class;// Rule declarationsauto const expression = x3::rule<expression_class , ast::expression >{"expression"};auto const logical = x3::rule<logical_class , ast::expression >{"logical"};auto const equality = x3::rule<equality_class , ast::expression >{"equality"};auto const relational = x3::rule<relational_class , ast::expression >{"relational"};auto const additive = x3::rule<additive_class , ast::expression >{"additive"};auto const multiplicative = x3::rule<multiplicative_class, ast::expression >{"multiplicative"};auto const factor = x3::rule<factor_class , ast::expression >{"factor"};auto const primary = x3::rule<primary_class , ast::operand >{"primary"};auto const unary = x3::rule<unary_class , ast::unary_op >{"unary"};auto const binary = x3::rule<binary_class , ast::binary_op >{"binary"};auto const conditional = x3::rule<conditional_class , ast::conditional_op>{"conditional"};auto const variable = x3::rule<variable_class , std::string >{"variable"};// Rule defintions/* This is a bit of magic to me. Does this definition now say that expression itself is now initializer list constructible from the conditional (which is spelled below)?*/auto const expression_def = conditional ;/* now ast::conditional_op type should be constructible from an initialization list consisting of of an expression and optional<tuple<expression,expression>> ? How these types should be spelled in the struct? There is a circular reference between expression and conditional :D ?*/auto const conditional_def = logical >> -('?' > expression > ':'> expression) ;auto const logical_def = equality >> *(logical_op > equality) ;auto const equality_def = relational >> *(equality_op > relational) ;auto const relational_def = additive >> *(relational_op > additive) ;auto const additive_def = multiplicative >> *(additive_op > multiplicative) ;auto const multiplicative_def = factor >> *(multiplicative_op > factor) ;auto const factor_def = primary >> *( power > factor ) ;auto const unary_def = ufunc > '(' > expression > ')' ;auto const binary_def = bfunc > '(' > expression > ',' > expression > ')' ;auto const primary_def = x3::double_ | ('(' > expression > ')') | (unary_op > primary) | binary | unary // | conditional // by removing the conditional from primary implies the type of x3::variant changes | variable ;BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE( expression, logical, equality, relational, additive, multiplicative, factor, primary, unary, binary, conditional, variable)以下是使用boost静态访问者遍历AST以使用可变符号表评估表达式的方法namespace ast {// Evaluatorstruct Evaluator { using result_type = double; explicit Evaluator(std::map<std::string, double> sym); double operator()(nil) const; double operator()(double n) const; double operator()(std::string const &c) const; double operator()(operation const &x, double lhs) const; double operator()(unary_op const &x) const; double operator()(binary_op const &x) const; double operator()(conditional_op const &x) const; double operator()(expression const &x) const; private: std::map<std::string, double> st;};Evaluator::Evaluator(std::map<std::string, double> sym): st(std::move(sym)) {}double Evaluator::operator()(nil) const { BOOST_ASSERT(0); return 0;}double Evaluator::operator()(double n) const { return n; }double Evaluator::operator()(std::string const &c) const { auto it = st.find(c); if (it == st.end()) { throw std::invalid_argument("Unknown variable " + c); } return it->second;}double Evaluator::operator()(operation const &x, double lhs) const { double rhs = boost::apply_visitor(*this, x.rhs); return x.op(lhs, rhs);}double Evaluator::operator()(unary_op const &x) const { double rhs = boost::apply_visitor(*this, x.rhs); return x.op(rhs);}double Evaluator::operator()(binary_op const &x) const { double lhs = boost::apply_visitor(*this, x.lhs); double rhs = boost::apply_visitor(*this, x.rhs); return x.op(lhs, rhs);}double Evaluator::operator()(conditional_op const &x) const { return static_cast<bool>(boost::apply_visitor(*this, x.lhs)) ? boost::apply_visitor(*this, x.rhs_true) : boost::apply_visitor(*this, x.rhs_false);}double Evaluator::operator()(expression const &x) const { double state = boost::apply_visitor(*this, x.lhs); for (operation const &oper : x.rhs) { state = (*this)(oper, state); } return state;}} // namespace ast解决方案因此,公开的顶级属性是expression,坦率地说,它根本不表示表达式.它代表的是表达式输入语法的虚假单位,也许可以称为"operation_chain".这也会使您难以使用AST进行语义上正确的转换(例如表达式评估),因为其中没有对诸如操作优先级之类的关键信息进行编码. 实际上,如果我们不注意的话,很可能会丢失此信息(如果存在于输入中).我认为在实践中,可以从您的AST出发,并按照优先级顺序使用相关的操作重建操作树.但是我通常会错误地对表达式树进行显式建模,以反映操作依赖性.也就是说,conditional_op不是链式二进制操作,因此不适合模具.我建议使顶级"规则公开一个ast::operand(这样它就可以同时适合conditional_op或expression).但是,由于我们以惰性"方式检测条件,因此需要一些语义动作才能真正构建适当的属性:auto const conditional_def = logical [([](auto& ctx) { _val(ctx) = _attr(ctx); })] >> -('?' > expression > ':' > expression) [make_conditional_op] ;第一个语义动作是直截了当的,第二个语义动作变得足够大以至于无法对其进行定义:auto make_conditional_op = [](auto& ctx) { using boost::fusion::at_c; x3::_val(ctx) = ast::conditional_op { x3::_val(ctx), at_c<0>(x3::_attr(ctx)), at_c<1>(x3::_attr(ctx)) };};仍然直截了当,但笨拙.请注意,原因是我们根据可选分支的存在公开了不同的类型.这就是所有的工作: 在Coliru上直播 //#define BOOST_SPIRIT_X3_DEBUG//#define DEBUG_SYMBOLS#include <iostream>#include <functional>#include <iomanip>#include <list>#include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct.hpp>#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>#include <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/ast/variant.hpp>namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;namespace ast { struct nil {}; struct unary_op; struct binary_op; struct conditional_op; struct expression; using UnFunc = std::function<double(double)>; using BinFunc = std::function<double(double, double)>; struct operand : x3::variant< nil , double , std::string , x3::forward_ast<unary_op> , x3::forward_ast<binary_op> , x3::forward_ast<conditional_op> , x3::forward_ast<expression> > { using base_type::base_type; using base_type::operator=; }; struct unary_op { UnFunc op; operand rhs; }; struct binary_op { BinFunc op; operand lhs; operand rhs; }; struct conditional_op { operand lhs; operand rhs_true; operand rhs_false; }; struct operation { BinFunc op; operand rhs; }; struct expression { operand lhs; std::list<operation> rhs; };} // namespace astBOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(ast::expression, lhs, rhs)BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(ast::operation, op, rhs)BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(ast::conditional_op, lhs, rhs_true, rhs_false)BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(ast::binary_op, op, lhs, rhs)BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(ast::unary_op, op, rhs)namespace P { struct ehbase { template <typename It, typename Ctx> x3::error_handler_result on_error(It f, It l, x3::expectation_failure<It> const& e, Ctx const& /*ctx*/) const { std::cout << std::string(f,l) << "\n" << std::setw(1+std::distance(f, e.where())) << "^" << "-- expected: " << e.which() << "\n"; return x3::error_handler_result::fail; } }; struct expression_class : ehbase {}; struct logical_class : ehbase {}; struct equality_class : ehbase {}; struct relational_class : ehbase {}; struct additive_class : ehbase {}; struct multiplicative_class : ehbase {}; struct factor_class : ehbase {}; struct primary_class : ehbase {}; struct unary_class : ehbase {}; struct binary_class : ehbase {}; struct conditional_class : ehbase {}; struct variable_class : ehbase {}; // Rule declarations auto const expression = x3::rule<expression_class , ast::operand >{"expression"}; auto const conditional = x3::rule<conditional_class , ast::operand >{"conditional"}; auto const primary = x3::rule<primary_class , ast::operand >{"primary"}; auto const logical = x3::rule<logical_class , ast::expression >{"logical"}; auto const equality = x3::rule<equality_class , ast::expression >{"equality"}; auto const relational = x3::rule<relational_class , ast::expression >{"relational"}; auto const additive = x3::rule<additive_class , ast::expression >{"additive"}; auto const multiplicative = x3::rule<multiplicative_class, ast::expression >{"multiplicative"}; auto const factor = x3::rule<factor_class , ast::expression >{"factor"}; auto const unary = x3::rule<unary_class , ast::unary_op >{"unary"}; auto const binary = x3::rule<binary_class , ast::binary_op >{"binary"}; auto const variable = x3::rule<variable_class , std::string >{"variable"}; struct constant_ : x3::symbols<double> { constant_() { this->add ("e" , boost::math::constants::e<double>()) ("pi" , boost::math::constants::pi<double>()) ; } } constant; struct ufunc_ : x3::symbols<ast::UnFunc> { ufunc_() { this->add ("abs" , &std::abs<double>) ; } } ufunc; struct bfunc_ : x3::symbols<ast::BinFunc> { bfunc_() { this->add ("max" , [](double a,double b){ return std::fmax(a,b); }) ("min" , [](double a,double b){ return std::fmin(a,b); }) ("pow" , [](double a,double b){ return std::pow(a,b); }) ; } } bfunc; struct unary_op_ : x3::symbols<ast::UnFunc> { unary_op_() { this->add ("+", [](double v) { return +v; }) ("-", std::negate{}) ("!", [](double v) { return !v; }) ; } } unary_op; struct additive_op_ : x3::symbols<ast::BinFunc> { additive_op_() { this->add ("+", std::plus{}) ("-", std::minus{}) ; } } additive_op; struct multiplicative_op_ : x3::symbols<ast::BinFunc> { multiplicative_op_() { this->add ("*", std::multiplies<>{}) ("/", std::divides<>{}) ("%", [](double a, double b) { return std::fmod(a, b); }) ; } } multiplicative_op; struct logical_op_ : x3::symbols<ast::BinFunc> { logical_op_() { this->add ("&&", std::logical_and{}) ("||", std::logical_or{}) ; } } logical_op; struct relational_op_ : x3::symbols<ast::BinFunc> { relational_op_() { this->add ("<" , std::less{}) ("<=", std::less_equal{}) (">" , std::greater{}) (">=", std::greater_equal{}) ; } } relational_op; struct equality_op_ : x3::symbols<ast::BinFunc> { equality_op_() { this->add ("==", std::equal_to{}) ("!=", std::not_equal_to{}) ; } } equality_op; struct power_ : x3::symbols<ast::BinFunc> { power_() { this->add ("**", [](double v, double exp) { return std::pow(v, exp); }) ; } } power; auto const variable_def = x3::lexeme[x3::alpha >> *x3::alnum]; // Rule defintions auto const expression_def = conditional ; auto make_conditional_op = [](auto& ctx) { using boost::fusion::at_c; x3::_val(ctx) = ast::conditional_op { x3::_val(ctx), at_c<0>(x3::_attr(ctx)), at_c<1>(x3::_attr(ctx)) }; }; auto const conditional_def = logical [([](auto& ctx) { _val(ctx) = _attr(ctx); })] >> -('?' > expression > ':' > expression) [make_conditional_op] ; auto const logical_def = equality >> *(logical_op > equality) ; auto const equality_def = relational >> *(equality_op > relational) ; auto const relational_def = additive >> *(relational_op > additive) ; auto const additive_def = multiplicative >> *(additive_op > multiplicative) ; auto const multiplicative_def = factor >> *(multiplicative_op > factor) ; auto const factor_def = primary >> *( power > factor ) ; auto const unary_def = (unary_op > primary) | (ufunc > '(' > expression > ')') ; auto const binary_def = bfunc > '(' > expression > ',' > expression > ')' ; auto const primary_def = x3::double_ | ('(' > expression > ')') //| (unary_op > primary) | binary | unary | constant | variable ; BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(expression) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(logical) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(equality) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(relational) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(additive) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(multiplicative) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(factor) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(primary) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(unary) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(binary) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(conditional) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(variable)}int main() { for (std::string const input : { "x+(3**pow(2,8))", "1 + (2 + abs(x))", "min(x,1+y)", "(x > y ? 1 : 0) * (y - z)", "min(3**4,7))", "3***4", "(3,4)", }) { std::cout << " ===== " << std::quoted(input) << " =====\n"; auto f = begin(input), l = end(input); ast::operand out; if (phrase_parse(f, l, P::expression, x3::space, out)) { std::cout << "Success\n"; } else { std::cout << "Failed\n"; } if (f!=l) { std::cout << "Unparsed: " << std::quoted(std::string(f,l)) << "\n"; } }}打印 ===== "x+(3**pow(2,8))" =====Success ===== "1 + (2 + abs(x))" =====Success ===== "min(x,1+y)" =====Success ===== "(x > y ? 1 : 0) * (y - z)" =====Success ===== "min(3**4,7))" =====SuccessUnparsed: ")" ===== "3***4" =====3***4 ^-- expected: factorFailedUnparsed: "3***4" ===== "(3,4)" =====(3,4) ^-- expected: ')'FailedUnparsed: "(3,4)"我觉得应该有可能更优雅( Boost Spirit:语义行为是邪恶的?" )更语义地表达表达式但是可悲的是我没有时间去做,所以暂时就这样了:)This question is a follow up question for the one inBoost Spirit x3 conditional (ternary) operator parserThe original question context did not show (my bad!) the ast attributes and the answer therefore could not take all the moving parts into account. This question now shows how the ast attributes looks like and how the ast is used to evaluate the expression with a symbol table.The follow up question is therefore that how the correctly spelled ternary conditional should change the ast types and how the conditional and expression interact together (according to my understanding it is now not part of the x3::variant as it is to be removed from primary parser choices)Here is how the ast attributes and declared symbol definitions look likenamespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;namespace ast {struct nil {};struct unary_op;struct binary_op;struct conditional_op;struct expression;struct operand : x3::variant< nil , double , std::string , x3::forward_ast<unary_op> , x3::forward_ast<binary_op> //, x3::forward_ast<conditional_op> // conditional_op not here? , x3::forward_ast<expression> > { using base_type::base_type; using base_type::operator=;};struct unary_op { double (*op)(double); operand rhs;};struct binary_op { double (*op)(double, double); operand lhs; operand rhs;};/*struct conditional_op { operand lhs; operand rhs_true; operand rhs_false;};*/struct conditional_op { expression lhs; // how the exact type is spelled? optional<expression, expression> maybe_rhs;};struct operation { double (*op)(double, double); operand rhs;};// what is the type of expression ?struct expression { conditional_op conditional;};/*struct expression { operand lhs; std::list<operation> rhs;};*/} // namespace aststruct constant_ : x3::symbols<double> { constant_() { add ("e" , boost::math::constants::e<double>()) ("pi" , boost::math::constants::pi<double>()) ; }} constant;struct ufunc_ : x3::symbols<double (*)(double)> { ufunc_() { add ("abs" , static_cast<double (*)(double)>(&std::abs)) ; }} ufunc;struct bfunc_ : x3::symbols<double (*)(double, double)> { bfunc_() { add ("max" , static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&std::fmax)) ; }} bfunc;struct unary_op_ : x3::symbols<double (*)(double)> { unary_op_() { add ("+", static_cast<double (*)(double)>(&math::plus)) ("-", static_cast<double (*)(double)>(&math::minus)) ("!", static_cast<double (*)(double)>(&math::unary_not)) ; }} unary_op;struct additive_op_ : x3::symbols<double (*)(double, double)> { additive_op_() { add ("+", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::plus)) ("-", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::minus)) ; }} additive_op;struct multiplicative_op_ : x3::symbols<double (*)(double, double)> { multiplicative_op_() { add ("*", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::multiplies)) ("/", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::divides)) ("%", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&std::fmod)) ; }} multiplicative_op;struct logical_op_ : x3::symbols<double (*)(double, double)> { logical_op_() { add ("&&", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::logical_and)) ("||", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::logical_or)) ; }} logical_op;struct relational_op_ : x3::symbols<double (*)(double, double)> { relational_op_() { add ("<" , static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::less)) ("<=", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::less_equals)) (">" , static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::greater)) (">=", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::greater_equals)) ; }} relational_op;struct equality_op_ : x3::symbols<double (*)(double, double)> { equality_op_() { add ("==", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::equals)) ("!=", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&math::not_equals)) ; }} equality_op;struct power_ : x3::symbols<double (*)(double, double)> { power_() { add ("**", static_cast<double (*)(double, double)>(&std::pow)) ; }} power;The more complete grammar and the definition of ast attributes is below (with modifications based on the answer in Boost Spirit x3 conditional (ternary) operator parser)struct expression_class;struct logical_class;struct equality_class;struct relational_class;struct additive_class;struct multiplicative_class;struct factor_class;struct primary_class;struct unary_class;struct binary_class;struct conditional_class;struct variable_class;// Rule declarationsauto const expression = x3::rule<expression_class , ast::expression >{"expression"};auto const logical = x3::rule<logical_class , ast::expression >{"logical"};auto const equality = x3::rule<equality_class , ast::expression >{"equality"};auto const relational = x3::rule<relational_class , ast::expression >{"relational"};auto const additive = x3::rule<additive_class , ast::expression >{"additive"};auto const multiplicative = x3::rule<multiplicative_class, ast::expression >{"multiplicative"};auto const factor = x3::rule<factor_class , ast::expression >{"factor"};auto const primary = x3::rule<primary_class , ast::operand >{"primary"};auto const unary = x3::rule<unary_class , ast::unary_op >{"unary"};auto const binary = x3::rule<binary_class , ast::binary_op >{"binary"};auto const conditional = x3::rule<conditional_class , ast::conditional_op>{"conditional"};auto const variable = x3::rule<variable_class , std::string >{"variable"};// Rule defintions/* This is a bit of magic to me. Does this definition now say that expression itself is now initializer list constructible from the conditional (which is spelled below)?*/auto const expression_def = conditional ;/* now ast::conditional_op type should be constructible from an initialization list consisting of of an expression and optional<tuple<expression,expression>> ? How these types should be spelled in the struct? There is a circular reference between expression and conditional :D ?*/auto const conditional_def = logical >> -('?' > expression > ':'> expression) ;auto const logical_def = equality >> *(logical_op > equality) ;auto const equality_def = relational >> *(equality_op > relational) ;auto const relational_def = additive >> *(relational_op > additive) ;auto const additive_def = multiplicative >> *(additive_op > multiplicative) ;auto const multiplicative_def = factor >> *(multiplicative_op > factor) ;auto const factor_def = primary >> *( power > factor ) ;auto const unary_def = ufunc > '(' > expression > ')' ;auto const binary_def = bfunc > '(' > expression > ',' > expression > ')' ;auto const primary_def = x3::double_ | ('(' > expression > ')') | (unary_op > primary) | binary | unary // | conditional // by removing the conditional from primary implies the type of x3::variant changes | variable ;BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE( expression, logical, equality, relational, additive, multiplicative, factor, primary, unary, binary, conditional, variable)Here is how the AST is traversed using boost static visitor to evaluate the expression with a variable symbol tablenamespace ast {// Evaluatorstruct Evaluator { using result_type = double; explicit Evaluator(std::map<std::string, double> sym); double operator()(nil) const; double operator()(double n) const; double operator()(std::string const &c) const; double operator()(operation const &x, double lhs) const; double operator()(unary_op const &x) const; double operator()(binary_op const &x) const; double operator()(conditional_op const &x) const; double operator()(expression const &x) const; private: std::map<std::string, double> st;};Evaluator::Evaluator(std::map<std::string, double> sym): st(std::move(sym)) {}double Evaluator::operator()(nil) const { BOOST_ASSERT(0); return 0;}double Evaluator::operator()(double n) const { return n; }double Evaluator::operator()(std::string const &c) const { auto it = st.find(c); if (it == st.end()) { throw std::invalid_argument("Unknown variable " + c); } return it->second;}double Evaluator::operator()(operation const &x, double lhs) const { double rhs = boost::apply_visitor(*this, x.rhs); return x.op(lhs, rhs);}double Evaluator::operator()(unary_op const &x) const { double rhs = boost::apply_visitor(*this, x.rhs); return x.op(rhs);}double Evaluator::operator()(binary_op const &x) const { double lhs = boost::apply_visitor(*this, x.lhs); double rhs = boost::apply_visitor(*this, x.rhs); return x.op(lhs, rhs);}double Evaluator::operator()(conditional_op const &x) const { return static_cast<bool>(boost::apply_visitor(*this, x.lhs)) ? boost::apply_visitor(*this, x.rhs_true) : boost::apply_visitor(*this, x.rhs_false);}double Evaluator::operator()(expression const &x) const { double state = boost::apply_visitor(*this, x.lhs); for (operation const &oper : x.rhs) { state = (*this)(oper, state); } return state;}} // namespace ast 解决方案 So, the top-level attribute exposed is expression, which is, frankly, not representing an expression at all.Rather, it is representing an artificial unit of expression input syntax, which could perhaps be dubbed "operation_chain".This is also going to make it hard to use your AST for semantically correct transformations (like e.g. expression evaluation) because crucial information like precedence of operations is not encoded in it. In fact, if we're not careful it's very possible that this information - if present in the input - would be lost. I think it's possible in practice to go from your AST and reconstruct the operation tree with dependent operations in order of their precedence. But I usually err on the safe side of explicitly modeling the expression tree to reflect the operation dependencies.That said, the conditional_op is not a chaining binary operation, so it doesn't fit the mold. I'd suggest making the "top level" rules expose an ast::operand instead (so it can fit the conditional_op or expression both just fine).However, due the "lazy" way we detect the conditional, this requires some semantic actions to actually build the proper attributes:auto const conditional_def = logical [([](auto& ctx) { _val(ctx) = _attr(ctx); })] >> -('?' > expression > ':' > expression) [make_conditional_op] ;The first semantic action is straight-forward, the second one became large enough to define it out-of-line:auto make_conditional_op = [](auto& ctx) { using boost::fusion::at_c; x3::_val(ctx) = ast::conditional_op { x3::_val(ctx), at_c<0>(x3::_attr(ctx)), at_c<1>(x3::_attr(ctx)) };};Still straight-forward but clumsy. Notice that the reason is that we expose different types depending on the presence of the optional branch.Here's it all put together working:Live On Coliru//#define BOOST_SPIRIT_X3_DEBUG//#define DEBUG_SYMBOLS#include <iostream>#include <functional>#include <iomanip>#include <list>#include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct.hpp>#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>#include <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/ast/variant.hpp>namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;namespace ast { struct nil {}; struct unary_op; struct binary_op; struct conditional_op; struct expression; using UnFunc = std::function<double(double)>; using BinFunc = std::function<double(double, double)>; struct operand : x3::variant< nil , double , std::string , x3::forward_ast<unary_op> , x3::forward_ast<binary_op> , x3::forward_ast<conditional_op> , x3::forward_ast<expression> > { using base_type::base_type; using base_type::operator=; }; struct unary_op { UnFunc op; operand rhs; }; struct binary_op { BinFunc op; operand lhs; operand rhs; }; struct conditional_op { operand lhs; operand rhs_true; operand rhs_false; }; struct operation { BinFunc op; operand rhs; }; struct expression { operand lhs; std::list<operation> rhs; };} // namespace astBOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(ast::expression, lhs, rhs)BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(ast::operation, op, rhs)BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(ast::conditional_op, lhs, rhs_true, rhs_false)BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(ast::binary_op, op, lhs, rhs)BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(ast::unary_op, op, rhs)namespace P { struct ehbase { template <typename It, typename Ctx> x3::error_handler_result on_error(It f, It l, x3::expectation_failure<It> const& e, Ctx const& /*ctx*/) const { std::cout << std::string(f,l) << "\n" << std::setw(1+std::distance(f, e.where())) << "^" << "-- expected: " << e.which() << "\n"; return x3::error_handler_result::fail; } }; struct expression_class : ehbase {}; struct logical_class : ehbase {}; struct equality_class : ehbase {}; struct relational_class : ehbase {}; struct additive_class : ehbase {}; struct multiplicative_class : ehbase {}; struct factor_class : ehbase {}; struct primary_class : ehbase {}; struct unary_class : ehbase {}; struct binary_class : ehbase {}; struct conditional_class : ehbase {}; struct variable_class : ehbase {}; // Rule declarations auto const expression = x3::rule<expression_class , ast::operand >{"expression"}; auto const conditional = x3::rule<conditional_class , ast::operand >{"conditional"}; auto const primary = x3::rule<primary_class , ast::operand >{"primary"}; auto const logical = x3::rule<logical_class , ast::expression >{"logical"}; auto const equality = x3::rule<equality_class , ast::expression >{"equality"}; auto const relational = x3::rule<relational_class , ast::expression >{"relational"}; auto const additive = x3::rule<additive_class , ast::expression >{"additive"}; auto const multiplicative = x3::rule<multiplicative_class, ast::expression >{"multiplicative"}; auto const factor = x3::rule<factor_class , ast::expression >{"factor"}; auto const unary = x3::rule<unary_class , ast::unary_op >{"unary"}; auto const binary = x3::rule<binary_class , ast::binary_op >{"binary"}; auto const variable = x3::rule<variable_class , std::string >{"variable"}; struct constant_ : x3::symbols<double> { constant_() { this->add ("e" , boost::math::constants::e<double>()) ("pi" , boost::math::constants::pi<double>()) ; } } constant; struct ufunc_ : x3::symbols<ast::UnFunc> { ufunc_() { this->add ("abs" , &std::abs<double>) ; } } ufunc; struct bfunc_ : x3::symbols<ast::BinFunc> { bfunc_() { this->add ("max" , [](double a,double b){ return std::fmax(a,b); }) ("min" , [](double a,double b){ return std::fmin(a,b); }) ("pow" , [](double a,double b){ return std::pow(a,b); }) ; } } bfunc; struct unary_op_ : x3::symbols<ast::UnFunc> { unary_op_() { this->add ("+", [](double v) { return +v; }) ("-", std::negate{}) ("!", [](double v) { return !v; }) ; } } unary_op; struct additive_op_ : x3::symbols<ast::BinFunc> { additive_op_() { this->add ("+", std::plus{}) ("-", std::minus{}) ; } } additive_op; struct multiplicative_op_ : x3::symbols<ast::BinFunc> { multiplicative_op_() { this->add ("*", std::multiplies<>{}) ("/", std::divides<>{}) ("%", [](double a, double b) { return std::fmod(a, b); }) ; } } multiplicative_op; struct logical_op_ : x3::symbols<ast::BinFunc> { logical_op_() { this->add ("&&", std::logical_and{}) ("||", std::logical_or{}) ; } } logical_op; struct relational_op_ : x3::symbols<ast::BinFunc> { relational_op_() { this->add ("<" , std::less{}) ("<=", std::less_equal{}) (">" , std::greater{}) (">=", std::greater_equal{}) ; } } relational_op; struct equality_op_ : x3::symbols<ast::BinFunc> { equality_op_() { this->add ("==", std::equal_to{}) ("!=", std::not_equal_to{}) ; } } equality_op; struct power_ : x3::symbols<ast::BinFunc> { power_() { this->add ("**", [](double v, double exp) { return std::pow(v, exp); }) ; } } power; auto const variable_def = x3::lexeme[x3::alpha >> *x3::alnum]; // Rule defintions auto const expression_def = conditional ; auto make_conditional_op = [](auto& ctx) { using boost::fusion::at_c; x3::_val(ctx) = ast::conditional_op { x3::_val(ctx), at_c<0>(x3::_attr(ctx)), at_c<1>(x3::_attr(ctx)) }; }; auto const conditional_def = logical [([](auto& ctx) { _val(ctx) = _attr(ctx); })] >> -('?' > expression > ':' > expression) [make_conditional_op] ; auto const logical_def = equality >> *(logical_op > equality) ; auto const equality_def = relational >> *(equality_op > relational) ; auto const relational_def = additive >> *(relational_op > additive) ; auto const additive_def = multiplicative >> *(additive_op > multiplicative) ; auto const multiplicative_def = factor >> *(multiplicative_op > factor) ; auto const factor_def = primary >> *( power > factor ) ; auto const unary_def = (unary_op > primary) | (ufunc > '(' > expression > ')') ; auto const binary_def = bfunc > '(' > expression > ',' > expression > ')' ; auto const primary_def = x3::double_ | ('(' > expression > ')') //| (unary_op > primary) | binary | unary | constant | variable ; BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(expression) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(logical) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(equality) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(relational) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(additive) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(multiplicative) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(factor) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(primary) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(unary) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(binary) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(conditional) BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(variable)}int main() { for (std::string const input : { "x+(3**pow(2,8))", "1 + (2 + abs(x))", "min(x,1+y)", "(x > y ? 1 : 0) * (y - z)", "min(3**4,7))", "3***4", "(3,4)", }) { std::cout << " ===== " << std::quoted(input) << " =====\n"; auto f = begin(input), l = end(input); ast::operand out; if (phrase_parse(f, l, P::expression, x3::space, out)) { std::cout << "Success\n"; } else { std::cout << "Failed\n"; } if (f!=l) { std::cout << "Unparsed: " << std::quoted(std::string(f,l)) << "\n"; } }}Printing ===== "x+(3**pow(2,8))" =====Success ===== "1 + (2 + abs(x))" =====Success ===== "min(x,1+y)" =====Success ===== "(x > y ? 1 : 0) * (y - z)" =====Success ===== "min(3**4,7))" =====SuccessUnparsed: ")" ===== "3***4" =====3***4 ^-- expected: factorFailedUnparsed: "3***4" ===== "(3,4)" =====(3,4) ^-- expected: ')'FailedUnparsed: "(3,4)"I feel it should be possible to bemore elegant (Boost Spirit: "Semantic actions are evil"?)model the expression more semanticallybut sadly I lacked the time to work on it, so this is it for the moment :) 这篇关于Boost Spirit x3条件(三元)运算符解析器(后续问题)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!