本文介绍了寻找合适的 VPS的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


市场上充斥着 VPS(虚拟专用服务器)托管选项.似乎每个人和他们的母亲在他/她的壁橱里都有一个超负荷的服务器.企业级选项的价格似乎总是高得离谱,这使得那些便宜且声称企业级选项的选项显得摇摇欲坠.

The market is flooded with VPS (virtual private server) hosting options. It seems everyone and their mother has a overloaded server in his/her closet. Enterprise options always seem priced insanely high, which make the ones that are cheap and claim enterprise level seem shaky.

您在优质 VPS 提供商(语言支持、24/小时技术等)中寻找什么,以及您如何检查他们的可信度?

What do you look for in a quality VPS provider (language support, 24/hr tech, etc), and how if at all do you check their credibility?



Most virtual hosting platforms will have a trial period in which you can test out their reliability. They will also give you a list of their high profile sites on their systems. Most keep track of the traffic hogs as it's a great way for them to attest their own stability.

我会推荐 Slicehost,因为我已经和他们一起工作了一年多并且喜欢它的控制.他们有一个令人惊叹的面板,您可以在其中控制台,重建切片,并在实例中重新启动切片.它们还允许进行非常快速且轻松的内存升级、带宽池化(将您的所有帐户带宽整合到一个大池中),并且它们允许使用许多不同的 Linux 内核操作系统.

I would recommend Slicehost as I have been with them for over a year and love the control. They have an amazing panel in which you can console in, rebuild slices, and restart slices in an instance. They also allow a VERY fast and painless memory upgrade, bandwidth pooling (taking all of your accounts bandwidth into one large pool), and they allow lots of different Linux kernel OSes.


So to answer your question without sounding like a complete advertisement:

  1. 检查他们管理您的 VPS 的远程能力.
  2. 查看他们最大的客户和他们系统上的一些大型网站.
  3. 测试他们的 VPS 大约 30 天,然后测试他们的支持!
  4. 查看人们谈论服务的论坛(比如这个帖子已经 3 次提到了 Slicehost).
  5. 查看地点并确保人们不会抱怨过度销售或挤出服务器.我知道在 VPS 世界中,与共享主机相比,沙盒中的东西要多得多,但知道它们可以处理负载仍然很高兴.
  6. 查看移动服务器或为 VPS 添加更多内存的功能.


这篇关于寻找合适的 VPS的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-15 03:55