I've tried this query with both commas and "AND" statements as pictured below. I get a syntax error
出了点问题.您的 SQL 语法有误;查看与您的 MySQL 服务器版本相对应的手册,以了解在 ' 附近使用的正确语法,可以 24/7 全天候通过电话和电子邮件回答任何问题并为您提供帮助 '
在第 1 行
$sql = mysql_query("UPDATE general
SET bookabandheading = $_POST[bookabandheading
AND bookaband = $_POST[bookaband]
AND contactus = $_POST[contactus]
AND aboutuslisten = $_POST[aboutuslisten]
AND contactusheading = $_POST[contactusheading]
AND nightclubsheading = $_POST[nightclubsheading]
AND acousticheading = $_POST[acousticheading]
AND schoolsheading = $_POST[schoolsheading]
AND privateheading = $_POST[privateheading]
AND concertsheading = $_POST[concertsheading]
AND festivalsheading = $_POST[festivalsheading]
AND submissions = $_POST[submissions]
AND interns = $_POST[interns]
AND managementbio = $_POST[managementbio]
AND latestnews = $_POST[latestnews]
AND artistofthemonth = $_POST[artistofthemonth]
AND artistofthemonthphoto = $_POST[artistofthemonthphoto]
AND artistofthemonthid = $_POST[artistofthemonthid]
AND listentoourartists = $_POST[listentoourartists]
AND musicianswanted = $_POST[musicianswanted]
AND aboutus = $_POST[aboutus]
AND bshowcases = $_POST[bshowcases]
AND bandavails = $_POST[bandavails]");
查询在另一个 VPS 上的不同数据库中工作,但我只是迁移了服务器,它不再工作.非常感谢任何帮助!
The query worked in a different database on another VPS, but I just migrated servers and it no longer works. Any help is greatly appeciated!
虽然主要问题是您在 bookamandheading 之后错过了右括号,但我仍然建议您重构此请求,例如:
While the main problem is that you missed the closing bracket after bookamandheading, still I would like to advise you to refactor this request for example like this:
$keys = array("bookabandheading", "bookaband", "contactus", "aboutuslisten",
"contactusheading", "nightclubsheading", "acousticheading",
"schoolsheading", "privateheading", "concertsheading",
"festivalsheading", "submissions", "interns", "managementbio",
"latestnews", "artistofthemonth", "artistofthemonthphoto",
"artistofthemonthid", "listentoourartists", "musicianswanted",
"aboutus", "bshowcases", "bandavails");
$set = array();
foreach ($keys as $key) {
$set[] = sprintf(" %s = '%s' ", $key, mysql_escape_string($_POST[$key]));
$sql = mysql_query("UPDATE general SET " . implode(", ", $set));
It is much easier to maintain and also a bit more secure by escaping the input.
更新:添加 where 语句示例
Update: add where statement example
$where = array();
$where[] = sprintf(" some_string = '%s' ", mysql_escape_string($some_string));
$where[] = sprintf(" some_integer = %d ", $some_integer);
$where = " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $where);
$sql = mysql_query("UPDATE general SET " . implode(", ", $set) . " " . $where);
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