本文介绍了无法创建虚拟专用服务器VPS OS模板的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!





Hi All I did find that this was asked before but the answer ws really a Check this link.
so i installed WSP and i followed all the instruction for preparing a VPS template. And re read it. but when i place it in the template folder (which is a network share) and create the index.xml file i still cant create a VPS because in the Operating system drop down box it never shows any options for an " Select OS Template" so i cant do anything. I have looked around for some kind of log file to help and made sure the share is accessible by the WSP server but i still get nothing. can Is there anyone that can point me in the right direction. Just in case some one mentions it Yes i created a unattend file and tested to make sure that it applied correctly.

crossing my finger in hopes i get some help



you'll be best to follow http://www.dotnetpanel.com/documentation/ guide and make sure

a)您已在VPS模板上安装了WSP配置工具http://www.websitepanel.net/preparing-VPS -templates / install -wsp-virtual-machine-configuration-service

a) you've installed WSP config tool on VPS template http://www.websitepanel.net/preparing-VPS-templates/install-wsp-virtual-machine-configuration-service

b)我建议使用这里的sysprep模板http://www.dotnetpanel.com/downloads/?CategoryID= 10

b) i recommend using the sysprep templates from here http://www.dotnetpanel.com/downloads/?CategoryID=10

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09-22 14:34