本文介绍了我在哪里可以找到 MvcTextTemplateHost的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想知道 MvcTextTemplateHost 是什么.我在 create.tt 中有这个,但在我的 bin 文件夹中找不到它(使用对象查看器搜索).我阅读并发现它在我的VisualStudio.Extensions.web.dll 但我找不到这个 dll


MvcTextTemplateHost"和VisualStudio"的 T4 参考.>

我只想知道这个类有什么属性和方法.我想要一个 t4 文本编辑器.我安装了一些,但没有给我这门课的智能感知,谢谢.


MvcTextTemplateHost 是 MVC 3.0 (Add>View and Add>Controller) Dialog 的Host"并维护用户交互:

所以它在工具之外不可用.当您提供脚手架"模板(.tt 文件)时,管理员会将这些用户输入传递给主机,以便主机拥有这些属性.



I would like to know what this is MvcTextTemplateHost. I have this in my create.tt but I cant find it in my bin folder (searching with object viewer). I read up and found out it's in myVisualStudio.Extensions.web.dll but I cant find this dll

I've read this

T4 References for 'MvcTextTemplateHost' and 'VisualStudio'.

I would just like to know what properties and methods this class has. I would love a t4 text editor. I installed a few but nothing gives me intellisense for this class thank you.


MvcTextTemplateHost is "Host" of MVC 3.0 (Add>View and Add>Controller) Dialog and maintain user interactions:

so it is not available outside of the tool. When you provide "Scaffolding" template (a .tt file) a manager passes these user inputs to host so host will have those properties.

The class is packaged in:($VSDIR)\Common7\IDE\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Mvc.3.01.dll

Hope it helps.

这篇关于我在哪里可以找到 MvcTextTemplateHost的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

06-09 07:35