

我使用locationservices的后台模式,因此appDelegate方法 applicationWillResignActive applicationDidEnterBackground applicationWillEnterForeground applicationDidBecomeActive 已实现但不接触位置服务(好吧 - 我在后台模式下需要它们)。

I have a created a small app which uses location services on the iPhone. All works well, except the fact, that sometimes, the small arrow in the info-bar stays active even if I explicitly kill the app.I use the background mode for locationservices, thus the appDelegate methods applicationWillResignActive, applicationDidEnterBackground, applicationWillEnterForeground and applicationDidBecomeActive are implemented but do not touch the location services (well - I need them in background mode).

在该配置中,永远不会调用 applicationWillTerminate ;我在 dealloc 中将所有清理清理实现为 stopUpdatingLocation ,因为我没有找到任何适合此的其他地方。但仍然 - 指标仍然存在。

In that configuration applicationWillTerminate is never called; I implemented all the cleanup cleanup as stopUpdatingLocation in dealloc, as I did not find any other place appropriate for this. But still - the indicator stays on.




Ok, problem solved. The indicator will stay on until a new location is found. Then if everything else is correct, the indicator turns off.


09-02 12:03