


I have this new project I need to build. I want to have at least started on it by the end of this month. So which version should I use though? Should I just stick with the stable Rails2 or try to use Rails3 so I won't have to migrate later? Which one would you suggest for someone that is still learning Rails?


Rails 3绝对不会像Rails 2那样拥有可用的资源,并且Rails 3仍将在不断变化快速,所以除非您特别高兴从源代码获得支持,否则我会坚持使用Rails 2

Rails 3 definitely won't have the resources available for it that Rails 2 does, and Rails 3 will still be changing quite fast, so unless you're especially happy getting your support from the source code I'd stick with Rails 2


06-09 05:52