

我需要在我的 VC++ 应用程序中创建计时器,在那里我需要设置计时器和计时器超时,我需要调用一个特定的方法...

I need to create Timer in my VC++ application , at where i need to set timer and on timeout of timer , i need to call one specific method...

我已经看到了 msdn 论坛,并在下面的代码中完成了该操作SetTimer(NULL,1,5*1000,TimerProc);

i have seen msdn forums for that and done below code to do thatSetTimer(NULL,1,5*1000,TimerProc);

和我的 TimerProc 方法如下

void CALLBACK TimerProc(HWND aHwnd, UINT aMessage, UINT_PTR aTimerId, DWORD aTime)

我假设 5 秒后 SetTimer 应该调用 TimerProc 方法,但它从未被调用.不知道我做错了什么.或者请建议是否有其他选择.

i assume after 5 seconds the SetTimer should call TimerProc method , but it is never called. no idea what i am doing wrong in this. or plz suggest if there's any alternative to do it.



使用可等待计时器.回调将在第 5 个参数设置的时间后调用,并每隔 6 个参数重复一次.时间过去后,回调被调用,执行一些处理并设置事件以允许退出

Use waitable timer. Callback will be called after time set by 5-th parameter and repeat every 6-th parameter.After time elapses, callback is called, executes some processing and sets event to allow exit

    // ConsoleTimer.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Windows.h>

#define TIME_LAPS 5 * 1000

HANDLE g_hExitEvent = NULL;

void CALLBACK WaitOrTimerCallback(PVOID lpParameter, BOOLEAN TimerOrWaitFired)
        Sleep(5000); // fake long processing

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
        HANDLE hNewTimer = NULL;                                                                                                                        //call after
        BOOL IsCreated = CreateTimerQueueTimer(&hNewTimer, NULL, WaitOrTimerCallback, NULL, TIME_LAPS,
                // repeat

        g_hExitEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);

        WaitForSingleObject(g_hExitEvent, 15000);

        DeleteTimerQueueTimer(NULL, hNewTimer, NULL);

        return 0;


I do not check for errors, you should.


06-09 05:30