我的问题是正常的mfc SetTimer,如下
My question is for normal mfc SetTimer, as follows
void CTimersDlg::OnButtonBegin()
// create the timer
SetTimer(m_nTimerID, uElapse, NULL);
void CTimersDlg::OnButtonStop()
// destroy the timer
void CTimersDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) // called every uElapse milliseconds
// do something, but quickly
but if I need to use SetTimer in non dialog.cpp, for example in my sender.cpp how do I create the timer? As in the SetTimer fields, the handler(callback) function?
您可以传递NULL作为窗口句柄,并包含回调函数调用 SetTimer
You can pass NULL as the window handle and include callback function in the call to SetTimer
. This will allow you to receive timer notifications without associating it with a specific window.
如果计时器用于单独的工作线程窗口),您仍然需要处理消息队列以接收计时器通知。如果你使用 CWinThread
对象创建一个线程,这已经在你的 CWinThread :: Run
If the timer is intended to be used in a separate "worker" thread (one without a window) you will still need to process the message queue in order to receive timer notifications. If you are creating a thread using a CWinThread
object this is already handled for you in the default implementation of CWinThread::Run
如果您可以更新您的问题,以包含有关 sender.cpp
内容的更多信息,一个更合适的例子。这使用纯Windows API来创建计时器并处理所需的分派队列。
If you can update your question to include more information about the contents of sender.cpp
I can provide a more suitable example. This uses the plain Windows API to create a timer and handle the required dispatch queue.
// Example only.
VOID CALLBACK timerCallback(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime)
printf("Timer called\n");
void SomeFunc()
SetTimer(NULL, 1, 1000, timerCallback);
MSG msg;
// msg-pump
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0))