


与其他主要 linux 发行版 ecline 相比,Ubuntu 多年来非常明显的增长(在发布日期附近有 6 个月度峰值)...

有没有办法更好地过滤结果,只包含 Java 编程语言,并确保它捕获名称的所有变体 - 例如 js 而不是 javascript,或者可以生成类似图形趋势数据的替代工具.


可能 排除带有减号的术语并使用 |对于变体:

flash -flood,java -crash -quake,javascript +js

但如果您想要准确性,最好使用语言流行指数(或Tiobe 正如 Bas 建议的那样).

I like to keep an eye on trending browsers/OSs/languages etc... I find google trends is a very useful resource sometimes but other times I can not get the information I want.

Example of very clear increase of Ubuntu (with 6 monthly peaks near release dates) compared with other major linux distros ecline over the years...


Example of results that are skewed because of non-programming related events. See "flash floods" and "earthquake in Java" in the news results


Is there a way to filter the results better to only include Java the programming language, and make sure that it catches all variations of a name - for example js instead of javascript, or an alternative tool that can produce similar graphical trend data.


It is possible to exclude terms with a minus sign and use | for variants:

flash -flood, java -crash -quake, javascript +js

But if you want accuracy it would be better to use the Language Popularity Index (or Tiobe as Bas suggests).


08-23 04:56