此代码有效,但是只有一次,当它返回FAIL时,即使应该返回,也不会再次失败.它确实会继续运行返回ICMP,TCP和UDP IP的第一部分.是不是MySQL连接断开了?任何帮助表示赞赏.谢谢!
This code works but only once, when it returns FAIL it doesn''t return fail again even though it should, however; it does keep running the first part returning ICMP, TCP and UDP IP''s....Is it that the MySQL connection is broken? Any help appreciated. Thanks!
if ( bShowTCP )
printf("\n -------------------- // -------------------- ");
printf("\n TCP Header:");
int *addressValue = new int();
char *address = LIP;
inet_pton(AF_INET, address, addressValue);
if (ip_header->source_ip == *addressValue)
printf("\n Source IP: %s", "");
printf("\n Destination IP: %s", ipDest);
printf("\n Source IP: %s", ipSrc);
printf("\n Destination IP: %s", ipDest);
if (mysql_real_connect(conn,"urlock.db.5513143.hostedresource.com","VendorCheck","Reader1234","urlock",0,NULL,0) !=0)
(mysql_query(conn,"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblURLIP WHERE IP = inet_aton(''ipSrc'') And IPStatus = ''1'' And IPMax = ''0''"));
my_ulonglong i = 0;
res_set = mysql_store_result(conn);
my_ulonglong numrows = mysql_num_rows(res_set);
LEGIT = mysql_fetch_row(res_set);
if (atoi(LEGIT[i]) == 1)
printf("\n PASS: %s\n",LEGIT[i]);
//Insert tblIPAccess
(mysql_query(conn,"INSERT INTO tblIPAccess (IP , Dwnload) VALUES(inet_aton(''ipSrc''), ''1'')"));
//Get Number Of Records
(mysql_query(conn,"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblURLAccess WHERE IP = inet_aton(''ipSrc'') And Dwnload = ''1''"));
my_ulonglong g = 0;
res_set = mysql_store_result(conn);
my_ulonglong numrows = mysql_num_rows(res_set);
TTL = mysql_fetch_row(res_set);
//Get Quota
(mysql_query(conn,"SELECT (IPQuota) FROM tblURLIP WHERE IP = inet_aton(''ipSrc'') And IPStatus = ''1''"));
my_ulonglong h = 0;
res_set = mysql_store_result(conn);
MX = mysql_fetch_row(res_set);
//If Quota and Records Match Set IPMax to 1 or True otherwise do nothing
if ((atoi(TTL[g])) < (atoi(MX[h])))
(mysql_query(conn,"UPDATE tblURLIP SET IPMax ''1'' WHERE IP = inet_aton(''ipSrc'')"));
//printf("Maxed! %s\n");
printf("\n FAIL: %s\n",LEGIT[i]);
//system("\n PAUSE");