本文介绍了Windows XP中 - CMD.EXE - 转换为utf8 codePAGE后无法执行批处理文件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


与切换为utf8 codePAGE后模式CON CP选择= 65001,批量处理接缝停止没有任何错误消息的工作。

After switching to utf8 codepage with "mode con cp select=65001", batch processing seams to stop working without any error messages.

因此​​,执行与$ C $ 437 CPAGE 850或正在积极工作正常刚开始控制台的cmd.exe / c test.bat的。
执行模式CON CP选择= 65001工作正常。

Thus, executing "cmd.exe /c test.bat" in a freshly started console with codepage 437 or 850 being active works fine.Executing "mode con cp select=65001" works fine.Display of UTF-8-characters works fine.Executing something like "echo Hallo!" works fine.

但在执行的cmd.exe / c test.bat的停止与显示错误消息的工作。

But executing "cmd.exe /c test.bat" stops working with no error message displayed.


It's not only a display error: The batch file does not get executed.


Switching back to any "old" character set lets it work fine again.Switching forth to UTF8 character set lets it stop working again.

当然,从UTF8弃权是一个解决方案 - 但不良副作用的背景

Of course, abstaining from UTF8 IS a solution - but with bad side effects in the background.



I don't know how you can start a batch file after the codepage is changed to 65001.
Even if you save the batch file in utf16-le or utf16-be it doesn't start.


But you can run a batch file and change the codepage inside,
but it is important that the rest of the code is cached in a block (parenthesis or ampersand line).

@echo off
chcp 65001
rem Do my UTF work
chcp 850
echo This works

chcp 65001 & type myFile & chcp 850
echo This also works

这篇关于Windows XP中 - CMD.EXE - 转换为utf8 codePAGE后无法执行批处理文件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-26 23:04