I have access to a scanner at my library which can create "searchable PDFs." These are PDFs that show the exact image of a scanned document, but there is a kind of hidden text in the PDF that can be selected when you try to select a portion of the image that contains text. In this way you can copy and paste text or search for text in the scanned document. This is VERY useful. It's an awesome improvement over raw scanned images. I also have several apps on my mac that can create this kind of searchable PDF from a scanned document or a raw image.
Now it's obvious from any who has ever used OCR that the process of converting images to text is not 100% accurate, so the text that you search or copy will not be correct in some places.
So I search for quite some time to find an application that would load a searchable PDF and allow me to repair the hidden searchable text without reformatting or modifying the original scanned image.
在这里值得一提的是,我尝试了最新版的Mac版Adobe Acrobat DC,但似乎并没有这样做。甚至允许我查看隐藏的可搜索文本,更不用说对其进行编辑了。它的确使我可以用自己的OCR处理结果替换扫描的图像,以便我可以编辑和保存文档。但是,这对于我使用的任何扫描文档都会产生可怕的结果。似乎是为编辑本机PDF而不是编辑扫描的文档而设计的。
It's worth saying here that I tried the latest version of Adobe Acrobat DC for Mac, and it doesn't seem to even allow me to view the hidden searchable text, much less edit it. It does allow me to replace scanned image with the results of it's own OCR process so that I could edit and save the document. But this would produce horrible results for any of the scanned documents that I am using. It seems designed for editing a "native PDF" not editing a scanned document.
我也尝试过ABBYY FineReader,但没有运气。
I have also tried ABBYY FineReader with no luck.
我正在使用ABBYY FineReader 12 Professional。 (不是开源的)
只需打开扫描的图像或扫描的pdf并按验证文本(或 Ctrl + F7
i'm using ABBYY FineReader 12 Professional. (not open source)Just open a scanned image or scanned pdf and press Verify Text(or Ctrl + F7
), than you go over all the spelling errors or low-confidence charachters and fix them.
该程序非常好,它向您显示要校正的图像/ pdf的确切位置,并为方便起见,OCR并排猜测。
The program is very good, it shows you the exact place in image/pdf to correct and the OCR guessing side by side for convenience. It iterates all of them.
Alt + Enter
Ctrl + Delete
[By the way, I'm using the shortcuts to speed up things:Alt+Enter
to add the unrecognized word to dictionary.Ctrl+Delete
to skip word or confirm in case you fixed it.]
将文档另存为pdf文件菜单:文件>另存为> PDF文件,您可以在每个pdf阅读器上进行搜索。保存的文件看起来与扫描的文件相同,但是后面有文本。
Than save the document as a pdf file Menu:File>Save Document As> PDF File, and you can search it on every pdf reader. The saved file look the same as the scanned one, but 'behind' it there text.
很奇怪,您没有运气就尝试了ABBYY ...对我来说很棒。
It's weird you tried ABBYY with no luck... it's working great for me. maybe you tried not the Professional version.