我正在通过K& R学习编程.到目前为止进展顺利,但是我不清楚第1.8节(函数)中的一行代码的作用.
I'm working through K & R to learn programming. Going well so far, but I'm unclear about the role of a line of code from section 1.8 (functions).
In section 1.8, the authors show you how to create a function to raise one integer to the power of another integer.
I've pasted the code below, as it was written in the book. Everything outputs fine. But I don't know why they've included this line at the top:
int power(int m, int n);
The book doesn't mention it, apart from saying that the program will raise integer m to the power n. If I remove the line from the code, the program still outputs as it should.
If I understand this correctly, the line
int power(int base, int n)
creates the function, and the braces underneath define the function. Then the braces under main call the function to output the chart.
So all that seems to make sense. But I don't see what the very top line does.
It could be extraneous, but it seems far more likely that I'm missing something. Can anyone enlighten me as to why that line is there?
#include <stdio.h>
int power(int m, int n);
/* test power function */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
printf("%d %d %d\n", i, power(2,i), power(-3, i));
return 0;
/* power: raise base to n-th power; n >= 0 */
int power(int base, int n)
int i, p;
p = 1;
for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
p = p * base;
return p;
The first line is the declaration of the function. The block of code at the bottom is the definition of the function.
从1999年版的ISO C标准开始,在没有可见声明的情况下调用函数是非法的(违反约束).声明必须在调用之前.
Starting with the 1999 version of the ISO C standard, it's illegal (a constraint violation) to call a function without a visible declaration; the declaration must precede the call.
For a simple program like this one, you could just write the full definition of power()
before the definition of main()
(since a definition also provides a declaration), but for more complex cases (such as recursive calls) you often need to provide a separate declaration.
) ). #include "foo.h"
For larger programs, it's common to collect all the function declarations in a header file (foo.h
, for example), and the corresponding definitions in a source file (foo.c
, for example). A #include "foo.h"
directive is used to make the declarations visible in other files. You'll see that kind of thing later in the book.
(在K& R2所涵盖的1990和更早版本的C中,在某些情况下您可以在没有可见声明的情况下调用函数-但无论如何仍然要提供显式声明仍然是一个好主意.)
(In the 1990 and earlier versions of C, which is what K&R2 covers, there are cases where you can call a function without a visible declaration -- but it's still a very good idea to provide explicit declarations anyway.)
顺便说一句,主程序的声明实际上应该是int main(void)
Incidentally, the declaration of the main program should really be int main(void)
rather than just main()
Terminology: a "prototype" is a function declaration that specifies the types of the parameters.
int power(int base, int n); /* a declaration that's also a prototype */
int power(int, int); /* likewise */
int power(); /* a declaration but not a prototype */
(Parameter names are required in a definition, but optional in a standalone declaration.)
,因为空括号已经意味着非原型声明.所以int main(void)
是原型,但int main()
As a special case, a prototype for a function with no parameters uses (void)
, since empty parentheses already mean a non-prototype declaration. So int main(void)
is a prototype, but int main()
非原型声明是过时的",这意味着从理论上讲,它们可以从将来的语言标准中删除.但是自1989年以来,它们就已经过时了,甚至在新的2011 ISO C标准中,委员会也认为不适合删除它们.
Non-prototype declarations are "obsolescent", meaning that they could in theory be removed from a future language standard. But they've been obsolescent since 1989, and even in the new 2011 ISO C standard the committee hasn't seen fit to remove them.
这篇关于这条线的目的是什么? (函数声明)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!