

我的应用程序非常庞大,包含例如web-inf / lib中的310个jar,总共100Mb。启动服务器,此步骤需要13秒:

My application is pretty large, containing for instance 310 jars in web-inf/lib for a total of 100Mb. Starting the server, this step below takes 13s:

Sep 16, 2014 1:05:33 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
INFO: Deploying web application directory C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.47\webapps\ROOT


The application relies on web-fragment and annotations to start properly.


I tried the following to skip the 13s scanning time:

  • 修改 conf / context.xml,属性为logEffectiveWebXml =true

catalina run 2> web-complete.log

从中提取 web.xml 片段 web-complete.log ,保存在 webapps \ ROOT \web-inf \web.xml

extract the web.xml snippet from web-complete.log, save it under webapps\ROOT\web-inf\web.xml


If I start my application, I still see 13s scanning time. metadata-complete was already set to "true" in the snipet above.


After adding the following statement to web.xml skips the 13s altogether, but this time my application cannot start anymore:

<absolute-ordering />


1) What would be the proper way to make tomcat start fast in my case ?


2) Can you explain why metadata-complete does not help on the 13s ?


3) Altough my web.xml is complete, why does not allow the app to start ?



您可能认为默认情况下,Tomcat在部署您的Web应用程序时执行的操作效率很低,而且如果您做出正确的更改,您可以使用它,并使您的Web应用程序启动速度更快。这些都不是安全的假设。 Tomcat往往非常高效,甚至处理大型web应用程序。

You are probably assuming that Tomcat is, by default, doing something inefficient when deploying your webapp, and that if you make just the right change you can kludge around it and make your webapp start much faster. Those are not safe assumptions to make. Tomcat tends to be very efficient, even handling large webapps.


It sounds to me like your webapp is large enough where the JDK is not able to load that huge number of classes and instantiate that large number of objects in less time than 13 seconds. The time is likely spent mainly in instantiating & initializing servlets and everything that they require, which is a very large amount of work to do if your webapp has many large subsystems to initialize before serving requests. Doing all of that can certainly take tens of seconds, and during that time not much of it is spent parsing config files, even opening JARs to find and parse some.


Why your webapp fails to start with a static metadata-complete deployment descriptor, I don't know, in part because you're not saying it what specific way it's failing when it fails. But, it's likely that by setting metadata-complete to true you have bypassed a necessary part of webapp startup that your webapp depends on.


您可能专门为大型Web应用程序配置的东西可以节省Tomcat大量时间查看您的webapp文件:跳过您知道Tomcat的JAR不应扫描某些内容,例如Servlet 3片段和TLD。看看你的Tomcat的conf / catalina.properties文件......这些可配置的系统属性在那里:

Something that you might configure specifically for your large webapp that could save Tomcat a significant amount of time looking through your webapp's files is: skipping JARs that you know Tomcat shouldn't scan for certain things such as Servlet 3 fragments and TLDs. Have a look at your Tomcat's conf/catalina.properties file.. these configurable system properties are in there:

# Additional JARs (over and above the default JARs listed above) to skip when
# scanning for Servlet 3.0 pluggability features. These features include web
# fragments, annotations, SCIs and classes that match @HandlesTypes. The list
# must be a comma separated list of JAR file names.

# Additional JARs (over and above the default JARs listed above) to skip when
# scanning for TLDs. The list must be a comma separated list of JAR file names.


Add all of your JARs that should be skipped when Tomcat is searching for these, and my guess is that Tomcat's part of starting your webapp will complete sooner. How much sooner depends on the webapp.


07-29 20:13