I'm interested in Software Defined Radio. I have basically no experience in any of the electrical engineering or math topics involved, but I'm reading...
与其尝试处理天线和 ADC 的硬件方面,我想玩一些预先录制的(甚至是现场!)AM 频段的样本流会很有趣(而且更便宜).
Rather than trying to deal with the hardware aspect of the antenna and the ADC, I imagine it'd be fun enough (and cheaper) to play with some pre-recorded (or even live!) sample streams of the AM band.
据我目前所知,在我看来 AM 格式是最容易破译的 - 整个频谱上的窄带通/窗口函数以获得任何目标频率,然后是一个短的运行平均变换(?) 获得另一个样本/样本幅度以获得音频信号.
From what I've learned so far, it seems to me that the AM format would be the easiest to decipher - a narrow bandpass/windowing function over the entire spectrum to get any target frequency, then a short running average transform(?) to get another sample/sample amplitude to get the audio signal.
对于完整的北美 AM 频段,在我看来,未压缩的流应该是:
For the full North American AM band, seems to me that the uncompressed stream would be:
1606.5 KB x 2(样本频率的两倍)x 2(16 位样本)= 6.28 MB/秒
很明显,此时我会在硬件上浪费我的钱......那里有 AM 波段的任何来源吗?或者其他更好的动手学习想法?
It's probably clear that I'd be wasting my money on the hardware at this point... Any sources of AM band out there? Or other better ideas for hands-on learning?
你应该联系 GNU无线电 伙计们,或者至少看看他们的代码.他们在做软件无线电开发,必须有样本来做单元测试.
You should talk to the GNU Radio folks, or at least look at their code. They're doing software radio development and must have samples for doing unit testing.
这篇关于软件定义的无线电 AM 波段样本源的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!