本文介绍了在 Watch InterfaceController.swift 中获取 MMWormhole 的未解析标识符的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我的 Apple Watch 项目使用 Swift.我已经使用 CocoaPods 安装了 MMWormhole,我按照这些链接中的描述创建了桥接头:

My Apple Watch project is in Swift. I have used CocoaPods to install MMWormhole,and I created the bridging header as described in these links:


如何从 Swift 调用 Objective-C 代码

当我创建桥接头时,我将它定位到我的 iphone 应用程序,并观看 Extension.

When I created the bridging header, I target it to my iphone app, and also watch Extension.

桥接 header.h,我有这个:

The bridging header.h, I have this:

#import "MMWormhole.h"

在我的 iPhone 应用视图控制器中,我有这个:

In my iPhone app View Controller, I have this:

import UIKit
import Foundation

let wormhole = MMWormhole(applicationGroupIdentifier: "group.cocoShareData", optionalDirectory: "wormhole")



However, in my watch Interface Controller, I have this:

import WatchKit
import Foundation


override func willActivate() {
        // This method is called when watch view controller is about to be visible to user
        let wormhole = MMWormhole(applicationGroupIdentifier: "group.cocoShareData", optionalDirectory: "wormhole")

它抱怨使用未解析的标识符 MMWormhole".

And it complains about "Use of unresolved identifier MMWormhole".

我什至尝试使用 #import "MMWormholeClient.h" 但没有什么可以解决这个问题.

I even try to use #import "MMWormholeClient.h" but nothing can resolve this problem.

我在创建桥接头时也尝试过,只针对 iphone 应用程序.但仍然......不起作用.

I also try when creating the bridging header, just target on the iphone App. But still... doesn't work.

我还在 WatchExtension 的 podfile 目标中制作了 pod 'MMWormhole', '~> 1.2.0'.但是仍然没有在Watch interfaceController 中识别出MMWormhole

I also make pod 'MMWormhole', '~> 1.2.0' in the podfile target for WatchExtension. but still not identified MMWormhole in the Watch interfaceController





Here is my answer. After few days of struggle and help from a code mentor:


1) The Objective-C bridge has to set the correct path and header search path so both IOS & WatchExt can use
2) The PodFile in MMWormhole must target for both iOS & WatchExt.
3) The code in MMWormhole npm page is not correct.  Move the instantiation of MMWormhole out and be a class Variable.


Objective C Bridge

  • 为 iPhone 应用和应用添加应用组观看分机
  • 添加目标 C
  • 同时瞄准两个目标
  • 构建设置:在 iOS & 的相对路径中设置 *.h观看分机.设置 *.h 相对路径.例如../MMWormholeTest/MMWormholeTest/MMWormholeTest-Bridging-Header.h
  • 添加标题搜索路径: ${PRODS_ROOT}/Headers ,对 IOS 7 Watch Ext 递归


  • 可可豆荚.
  • 为 iOS & 设置 pod 'MMWormhole', '~> 1.2.0' 目标在 Podfile 中观看 Ext
  • 在桥接头文件中设置 #import MMWormhole.h".
  • 在 ViewController 和InterfaceOController,将虫洞设置为类作用域变量.例如var 虫洞:MMWormhole!
  • 在ViewDidLoad和awakeWithContext中实例化MMWormhole在 WatchExt 中,在awakeWithContext 中设置侦听器,由于闭包使用self.lable.setText.例如self.label.setText(messageObject!as!String)
  • 无需像堆栈溢出中的其他一些 MMWormhole 示例中所示注册接收器.

这篇关于在 Watch InterfaceController.swift 中获取 MMWormhole 的未解析标识符的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

06-09 03:46