


I would like to read the last 1 megabyte of a MP3 file and calculate SHA1 checksum for just that part of the file. The reason that I would want this is that when I'm looking for duplicate MP3's, the header info (song title, album etc.) can differ even though it's the exakt same audio file, so I figured I would be better of to checksum a part of the file at the end instead of the whole one. Is there an efficient way of doing this?


您必须使用c包装程序来进行文件操作:打开 fseek 阅读:

You'd have to use the c wrappers for file manipulation: fopen, fseek and fread:

$size = 1024 * 1000;
$handle = fopen($file, 'r');
fseek($handle, -$size);
$limitedContent = fread($handle, $size);
$hash = md5($limitedContent);


08-28 07:32