

在matplotlib中创建图形的标准方法似乎不符合我在python中的预期:默认情况下,在循环中调用fig = matplotlib.figure()将保留所有创建的图形,最终用尽记忆.

It seems that the standard way of creating a figure in matplotlib doesn't behave as I'd expect in python: by default calling fig = matplotlib.figure() in a loop will hold on to all the figures created, and eventually run out of memory.

相当 很少文章,这些文章处理变通办法,但要求显式调用matplotlib.pyplot.close(fig)似乎有点hacker.我想要的是一种简单的方法来计算fig引用,因此我不必担心内存泄漏.有什么办法可以做到这一点?

There are quite a few posts which deal with workarounds, but requiring explicit calls to matplotlib.pyplot.close(fig) seems a bit hackish. What I'd like is a simple way to make fig reference counted, so I won't have to worry about memory leaks. Is there some way to do this?



If you create the figure without using plt.figure, then it should be reference counted as you expect. For example (This is using the non-interactive Agg backend, as well.)

from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas
from matplotlib.figure import Figure

# The pylab figure manager will be bypassed in this instance.
# This means that `fig` will be garbage collected as you'd expect.
fig = Figure()
canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)


09-18 06:22