本文介绍了与Java中的异常vs Throwable相关联的开销的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



throw new Exception();


has a pretty large overhead, since it creates a full stackTrace, etc.

throw new Throwable();

提出同样的问题?这个行为是继承还是抛出一个Throwable有一个较小的(o no)开销?

present the same problem? Is this behaviour inherited, or does throwing a Throwable has a smaller (o no) overhead?



From an analyst point of view, a user inserting wrong password is an exception to the normal execution order of a program. So if I have:

public Session newSession() {  


返回 null 0 如果您的代码很不错,只是听起来不正确抽象。我只是想知道我是否可以在代码中实际实现这一点,或者我必须将它放在理论上。

throwing a UserNotValidException would sound correct from an analysts point of view.
Returning null or 0 just sounds incorrect if your code has pretty good abstraction. I just wanted to know if I could actually implement this in code, or if I'd have to just leave it to theory.

编程点之间有很大的区别 - 视图异常和分析器视点异常。

There's a good difference between programming-point-of-view exception and analyst-point-of-view exception.


注2:我知道返回 null 将是普通的东西,但是我需要有正确的抽象和OO代码,

Note: I've given a really simple and silly example, this is not quite my case.
Note 2: I know returning null would be the ordinary thing, but I'm required to have properly abstracted and OO code, and, personally, I see no harm in this.


Throwable 还会创建一个堆栈跟踪创建时从:

Throwable also creates a stacktrace when it's created. From the java docs for Throwable:

因此,关于创建堆栈跟踪的开销方面, Exception Throwable

So in terms of overhead with regards to creating a stacktrace, there should be no difference between Exception and Throwable.


If you are using exceptions for "exceptional events" (as you should be), then you shouldn't be too concerned with the overhead of a stacktrace. An exceptional event occurs rarely in running code. So Exceptions shouldn't impact the performance of normal code in any significant way.

这篇关于与Java中的异常vs Throwable相关联的开销的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-25 14:40