本文介绍了Azure的服务面料演员 - 未处理的异常?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



  • 的Web API项目 - 无状态的,面向公众的

  • 演员的项目 - 在内存中大多是易挥发,保持数据,某些API一起使用

我们正在尝试应用洞察力,以及喜欢他们的文档,我可以设置未处理的误差跟踪的对我们的Web API项目。




        ActorEventSource.Current.ActorMessage(这一点,在{0}未处理的错误:{1},nameof(DoStuff),EXC);        //发送到应用洞察
        新TelemetryClient()TrackException(EXC)。        扔EXC;



  • 演员确实有一个内置的ETW提供商(微软ServiceFabric-演员),它有一个 ActorMethodThrewException 事件。您可以:

    • 使用一个外部程序来收集ETW事件,并转发给应用洞察(例如,使用板或Azure诊断)

    • 使用的EventListener 类收听过程中的事件,并将其转发到App洞察(略少可靠,但更简单)

  • 使用自定义的 ActorServiceRemotingDispatcher ,它负责调度操作演员类

        公共CustomActorServiceRemotingDispatcher(ActorService actorService):基地(actorService)
        }    公共覆盖异步任务<字节[]> RequestResponseAsync(IServiceRemotingRequestContext的RequestContext,ServiceRemotingMessageHeaders messageHeaders,
            字节[] requestBodyBytes)
                    LogServiceMethodStart(...);                结果=等待base.RequestResponseAsync(RequestContext的,messageHeaders,requestBodyBytes).ConfigureAwait(假);                LogServiceMethodStop(...);                返回结果;
                    LogServiceMethodException(...);                扔;

    要使用这个类,你需要创建一个自定义 ActorService 类和重写 CreateServiceReplicaListeners 方法。请注意,这将覆盖任何 ActorRemotingProviderAttribute 就是你可能会使用。


    • 您也可以使用此方法来读取你自己的头文件(你还需要一个客户端自定义的 IServiceRemotingClientFactory 来添加的话)

    • 同样的技术可以应用到可靠的服务(使用 ServiceRemotingDispatcher 类)

Right now our ASF cluster is running:

  • Web API project - stateless and public facing
  • Actor project - mostly volatile, keeping data in memory, used by certain APIs

We are trying out Application Insights, and I can setup unhandled error tracking like their docs here have for our Web API project.

Issue is, I want this for our Actor project as well.

Is there a global place for catching unhandled errors within an Actor? I know it's new, and maybe that is why I can't find documentation on this.

Right now I'm doing this inside every actor method, but doesn't seem like a great solution:

public async Task DoStuff()
        //Do all my stuff
    catch (Exception exc)
        //Send to Windows Event Source
        ActorEventSource.Current.ActorMessage(this, "Unhandled error in {0}: {1}", nameof(DoStuff), exc);

        //Send to Application Insights
        new TelemetryClient().TrackException(exc);

        throw exc;

You have a few options:

  • Actors do have a built-in ETW provider (Microsoft-ServiceFabric-Actors) that has an ActorMethodThrewException event. You can either:

    • Use an external process to collect ETW events and forward them to Application Insights (e.g. using SLAB or Azure Diagnostics)
    • Use the EventListener class to listen to the events in-process and forward it to App Insights (slightly less reliable, but simpler)
  • Use a custom ActorServiceRemotingDispatcher, which is the class responsible for dispatching operations to the actors

    class CustomActorServiceRemotingDispatcher : ActorServiceRemotingDispatcher
        public CustomActorServiceRemotingDispatcher(ActorService actorService) : base(actorService)
        public override async Task<byte[]> RequestResponseAsync(IServiceRemotingRequestContext requestContext, ServiceRemotingMessageHeaders messageHeaders,
            byte[] requestBodyBytes)
                    result = await base.RequestResponseAsync(requestContext, messageHeaders, requestBodyBytes).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    return result;
                catch (Exception exception)

    To use this class, you'll need to create a custom ActorService class and override the CreateServiceReplicaListeners method. Note this will override any ActorRemotingProviderAttributes you may be using.

    Side notes:

    • You can also use this method to read your own headers (you'll also need a client-side custom IServiceRemotingClientFactory to add them)
    • The same technique can be applied to Reliable Services (using the ServiceRemotingDispatcher class)

这篇关于Azure的服务面料演员 - 未处理的异常?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-20 00:04