

致电时要求上的阿卡演员,一个未来[任意] 返回,我所要做的通过显式转换 future.mapTo [MyType的]

When calling ? or ask on an Akka Actor, a Future[Any] is returned and I have to do an explicit cast via future.mapTo[MyType].

我不喜欢失去这种类型的安全性。如果我使用期货直接(不带演员),我可以明确地返回未来[的MyType] 并保持类型安全。

I don't like losing this type safety. If I use Futures directly (with no actors) I can explicitly return Future[MyType] and maintain type safety.


val f1 = actor1 ? msg
val f2 = actor2 ? msg

val f3 = for {
  a ← f1.mapTo[Int]
  b ← f2.mapTo[Int]
  c ← ask(actor3, (a + b)).mapTo[Int]
} yield c


Is there a better way to achieve my use case?



Try typed actors. Basically they allow you to interact with an actor using strongly typed traits/interfaces rather than by exchanging messages. Behind the scenes Akka implements these interfaces with a dynamic proxy and does the asynchronous magic.


Typed actor can return have methods with different, strongly typed return values (from documentation mentioned above):

def squareDontCare(i: Int): Unit //fire-forget

def square(i: Int): Future[Int] //non-blocking send-request-reply

def squareNowPlease(i: Int): Option[Int] //blocking send-request-reply

def squareNow(i: Int): Int //blocking send-request-reply

这些方法重新presents 告诉,而其余的都是不同的口味要求

These method represents tell while the remaining ones are different flavours of ask.


09-22 17:23