

在iPad的iOS7上,首先,我设置了一个模态视图控制器,大小为320 * 460,然后,在此模态视图控制器中,我展示了另一个导航视图控制器,其后是导航栏和工具的色调所显示的导航控制器的条变为灰色.我试图设置导航栏和工具栏的颜色,但这是行不通的.

On iOS7 of iPad, first, I setup an modal view controller, the size is 320 * 460, then, in this modal view controller, I presented another navigation view controller, after this, the tint color of navigation bar and tool bar of the presented navigation controller turns gray. I have tried to set tint color of navigation bar and tool bar, but it just doesn't work.


Then I tried to present the navigation controller directly, then all tint color works both on navigation bar and tool bar.


I have tried with the barTintColor property of navigation bar and tool bar, it works.




first, I define a view controller: modalViewControllerThe present the modal view controller like this:

if (DeviceIsPad()) // DeviceIsPad is a method defined somewhere to tell that the device is an iPad.
    modaViewController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFormSheet;

//here self is a normal view controller
[self presentViewController:modalViewController animated:YES completion:NULL];


Second, define a navigation view controller: navigationControllerPresent the navigation controller like this:

if (DeviceIsPad())
    navigationController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationCurrentContext;

// here self means the modalViewController mentioned above
[self presentViewController:navigationController animated:YES completion:nil];


I setup the navigation bar and toolbar bar items in 'viewDidLoad' method of navigationController.


By default, when the navigation view controller comes out, all toolbar button items(The items are built with just basic title like Cancel, OK) turns to be gray.

同时,我尝试将tintColor设置为tool barnavigation bar.实例方法和外观方法(如[[UIToolBar appearance] setTintColor:[UIColor blueColor]])都被使用.但这仍然行不通.

At the same time, I have tried to set tintColor of tool bar and navigation bar. Both instance method and appearance method(like [[UIToolBar appearance] setTintColor:[UIColor blueColor]]) are used. But it still doesn't work.


And then I tried to present the navigationViewController mentioned above with UIModalPresentationFormSheet style directly from a normal view controller, then all tintColor for navigation bar and tool bar turns to be the blue color(the system blue color).



This happens because Apple assumes that we won't present more than 1 view controller and dims the background and ALL bar button items (not sure why) as default behavior to put focus on the frontmost view.


To fix this, you just need to force the tintAdjustmentMode to Normal on the app's window in DidFinishLaunchingWithOptions.

self.window.tintAdjustmentMode = UIViewTintAdjustmentModeNormal;


08-03 17:44