我已先后将我的Google Compute Engine控制台和Bitnami链接在一起,并部署了Ruby Stack.但是,我现在希望将Rails应用程序移动到Ruby堆栈中,但是没有有关如何执行此操作的文档.
I have successively linked my Google Compute Engine console and Bitnami, as well as deployed a Ruby Stack. However, I wish to now move my Rails app onto the Ruby stack, but there is no documentation whatsoever on how to do so.
我现在在Windows上运行Rails,因此无法使用Passenger.以下是Bitnami Ruby堆栈的文件路径,但没有指示将Rails文件放在何处:
I am running Rails on Windows right now and therefore cannot use Passenger. Below is the file path of Bitnami Ruby stack, but there is no indication where to place the Rails files:
如何将Rails应用程序部署到Google Compute Engine/Bitnami?
How can I deploy my Rails app onto Google Compute Engine/Bitnami?
Bitnami developer here,
您可以使用SFTP/SCP客户端将文件上传到您的Google Cloud Platform实例.您可以在 https://wiki.bitnami.com/上找到有关该Wiki条目的更多信息. Google_Cloud_Platform/Servers#How_to_upload_files_to_the_server_with_SFTP.3f
You can upload files to your Google Cloud Platform instance using a SFTP/SCP client. You can find more information about that our wiki entry at https://wiki.bitnami.com/Google_Cloud_Platform/Servers#How_to_upload_files_to_the_server_with_SFTP.3f
此外,要将自定义Ruby on Rails应用程序部署到Bitnami Ruby Stack中,我建议您遵循 https://wiki.bitnami.com/Applications/Bitnami_Custom_Ruby_on_Rails_application ,它将向您展示如何在Bitnami Ruby Stack顶部添加自己的Ruby on Rails应用程序,方法与安装其他Ruby on Rails应用程序相同比塔南.
Also, to deploy your custom Ruby on Rails application in your Bitnami Ruby Stack I recommend you to follow our guide at https://wiki.bitnami.com/Applications/Bitnami_Custom_Ruby_on_Rails_application that will show you how to add your own Ruby on Rails application on top of the Bitnami Ruby Stack the same way as other Ruby on Rails applications are installed in Bitnami.
这篇关于使用Bitnami在Google Compute Engine上部署Ruby on Rails的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!