

升级到Polymer 1.0,我如何收听/捕捉铁菜单行为的"focusedItem"变化?我看不到任何项目更改的事件或属性更改侦听器,即纸张菜单中纸张项目选择的更改.我在这里看不到任何此类事件: https://elements .polymer-project.org/elements/iron-menu-behavior?active = Polymer.IronMenuBehavior

Upgrading to Polymer 1.0, How do I listen/capture to change in "focusedItem" of iron-menu-behaviour? I cannot see any event or property change listener for an item change i.e. change in paper-item selection within a paper-menu. I cannot see any such events here: https://elements.polymer-project.org/elements/iron-menu-behavior?active=Polymer.IronMenuBehavior


我目前尚未找到任何有关此问题的文档(也许其他人可能会比较幸运),但是您要查找的事件是 iron-select iron-deselect .这两个事件都使用处理程序格式:eventHandler(e, details),其中:

I have not been able to find any documentation on this just yet (perhaps someone else may have better luck), but the events you are looking for are iron-select and iron-deselect. Both of these events use the handler format: eventHandler(e, details), in which:

  • eCustomEvent.
  • details是具有item属性的对象,该属性指向已选择或取消选择的元素.
  • e is the CustomEvent.
  • details is an object with an item property pointing to the element that was selected or deselected.

我已经在Plunker上设置了 demo .它具有一个示例菜单,并将edetails都从iron-selectiron-deselect事件记录到控制台.

I've set up a demo on Plunker that you can play around with. It has a sample menu and will log both e and details from both iron-select and iron-deselect events to the console.


That being said, however, if you are able to avoid using the event and instead use bindings, I would recommend that route first. If this is within a custom element, you could, for example, do:

<dom-module id="my-custom-element">
    <paper-menu selected="{{selectedIndex}}">
      <paper-item>This is item #0</paper-item>
      <paper-item>This is item #1</paper-item>
      <paper-item>This is item #3</paper-item>

    is: 'my-custom-element',
    properties: {
      selectedIndex: {
        type: Number,
        value: 0,
        observer: '_selectedIndexChanged'
    _selectedIndexChanged: function(newIndex, oldIndex) {
      if (typeof newIndex === 'number') {
        this.selectedMessage = 'You selected item #' + newIndex + '.';
      if (typeof oldIndex === 'number') {
        this.oldSelectedMessage = 'Before, you had item #' + oldIndex + ' selected.';


09-14 21:54