我正在尝试在Windows 7中为我的Meteor项目安装(通过克隆存储库)'iron-router'。
I'm attempting to install (via cloned repository) 'iron-router' for my Meteor project in Windows 7.
While building package `iron-router`:
error: no such package: '[email protected]'
error: no such package: '[email protected]'
error: no such package: '[email protected]'
error: no such package: '[email protected]'
error: no such package: '[email protected]'
error: no such package: '[email protected]'
error: no such package: 'iron'
error: no such package: 'cmather'
error: no such package: '[email protected]'
无论如何,这些都是看似%LOCALAPPDATA%/。meteor / packages的股票包,因为我检查确保所有目录都在那里。
Anyway, these are all stock packages that seem to be in %LOCALAPPDATA%/.meteor/packages, because I checked to make sure all the directories were there.
Any thoughts? I've been developing in Linux for a while now, but I figured if I could get things working in Windows it would be nice if I were too lazy to bother with rebooting (dual-boot environment) after gaming, etc.
Thanks in advance for any help.
更改日志指定铁: [email protected]刚刚于2014-08-12发布。
The changelog specifies that iron:[email protected] just came out on 2014-08-12.
The latest version of iron:router has been updated to use the new package system which can only be used with meteor 0.9 release candidates.
从您的错误日志,我可以告诉你从repo中克隆的铁路由器版本实际上是最新设计的新软件包系统([email protected]以前只是没有版本号的deps)它抱怨它找不到流星核心它依赖的包,因为你可能运行流星0.8.3而不是0.9-rc?。
From your error log, I can tell the iron-router version you cloned from the repo is actually the latest designed for the new package system ([email protected] used to be just deps without version number) and it complains that it can't find the meteor core packages it depends on, because you're probably running meteor 0.8.3 instead of 0.9-rc?.
你需要做的是获取铁路由器v0.8.2从git repo,提交sha1是 05415a8891ea87a00fb1e2388585f2ca5a38e0da
What you need to do is fetch iron-router v0.8.2 from the git repo, the commit sha1 is 05415a8891ea87a00fb1e2388585f2ca5a38e0da
从特定提交哈希克隆git repo是一个不同的主题,这是一个让你入门的答案:
Cloning a git repo from a specific commit hash is a different topic, here is a SO answer to get you started : How to clone git repository with specific revision/changeset?
这篇关于Windows 7 x64上使用iron-router(最新版)的安装问题(Meteor 0.8.3)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!