


I have a custom element that utilizes iron-list to display an array of objects. Each item is generated via a template as follows:

<iron-list id="projectList" items="[[projects]]" indexAs="_id" as="projLI" class="layout flex">
           <paper-material id="itemShadow" animated elevation="1">
               <div class="item layout horizontal" onmouseover="hoverOver(this)" onmouseout="hoverOut(this)">

                   <!-- I use a paper-menu-button to display a list of available actions here -->

                   <!-- list item object content here such as: [[projLI.desc]] etc. -->



What is the best polymer-friendly approach to detect both a tap event on the iron-list item itself (ideally knowing which item was actually tapped via projLI._id), yet also be able to handle the internal paper-menu-button tap events in a different way?

我已经注视了Polymer 1.0的新事件侦听器( https://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/docs/devguide/events.html ),作为一种可能的方法,尝试侦听不同的元素点击事件(如该页面上的示例1所示) ,但不确定在这里是否可以使用.我还考虑过可能在铁表周围以某种方式使用iron-selector吗?那可行吗?考虑到铁选择器只会有一个孩子(即铁列表元素,而不是它的模板化子对象),我不确定这两种方法是否都可以.

I've eye-balled polymer 1.0's new event listeners (https://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/docs/devguide/events.html), as a possible approach, attempting to listen for different element tap events (as shown in example 1 on that page), but I'm not sure if that will work here. I've also considered possibly using iron-selector somehow around iron-list? Is that doable? I'm not sure that will work either, given that iron-selector would only have one child (i.e. the iron-list element and not it's templated children).


I feel like I'm missing a really easy way to accomplish this. Can someone please show me the light?



I do this by encoding an array index in a list element id, then pulling the id out of a list item event target. Here is an example Polymer element that does this.

<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/iron-list/iron-list.html">

<dom-module id="list-example">
    :host {
      display: block;

    #list-example {
      height: 100px;

    <paper-material animated elevation="1">
      <iron-list id="list-example" items="[[data]]">
          <div id="{{index2id(item.index)}}" on-mouseover="onMouseOverItem">{{item.name}}</div>


  (function () {
      is: 'list-example',

      ready: function() {
        for(var i = 0; i < this.data.length; i++) {
          this.data[i].index = i;

      index2id: function(index) {
        return "_" + index;

      id2index: function(id) {
        return Number(id.substr(1));

      onMouseOverItem: function(e) {
        console.log('on-mouseover list item:', this.data[this.id2index(e.target.getAttribute('id'))]);

      properties: {
        data: {
          type: Array,
          value: [{name: 'A'}, {name: 'B'}, {name: 'C'},
                  {name: 'D'}, {name: 'E'}, {name: 'F'},
                  {name: 'G'}, {name: 'H'}, {name: 'I'}]


10-11 02:47