本文介绍了未随SendRawEmail插入AmazonSES DKIM签名的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我一直在使用SES通过普通的 SendEmail发送电子邮件API 命令,并且DKIM签名运行正常.

I've been using SES to send emails via the normal SendEmail API command, and the DKIM signature has been working fine.

现在我想发送附件,因此我开始使用 SendRawEmail API 和DKIM签名未插入邮件标题中.这将导致GMail通过amazonses.com 显示难看的警告:

Now I want to send an attachment, so I started using SendRawEmail API and the DKIM signture is not being inserted into the mail headers. This causes GMail to display the ugly via amazonses.com warning:


我通过使用gmail的Show Original查看邮件源来验证了这一点.

I verified this by looking at the mail source with gmail's Show Original.


I found this same question on Amazon's forum. But it doesn't actually answer the question. It does say that once DKIM is enabled, it should work for both SendEmail and SendRawEmail.


So why isn't AmazonSES inserting the DKIM header for the raw email API?

(我实际上是在使用ruby SDK,所以它是send_emailsend_raw_email,但这没关系.)

(I'm actually using the ruby SDK, so it's send_email and send_raw_email, but it shouldn't matter.)


对我来说,我进行了DKIM设置,并在AWS SES控制台中为我的域启用了该功能.该域级DKIM在SendEmail上运行良好.

For me, I had DKIM setup and enabled in the AWS SES console for my Domains. This domain-level DKIM had worked fine for SendEmail.


However, I had to enable DKIM for each sending email address under Email Addresses to enable DKIM on SendRawEmail.


Hope this helps someone else!

这篇关于未随SendRawEmail插入AmazonSES DKIM签名的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

06-08 11:35