

存在一个常见问题,即F#本身不支持 Haskell中可用的功能的infix样式使用:

There is a common problem that F# does not natively support infix-style use of functions that is available in Haskell:

isInfixOf :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
isInfixOf "bar" "foobarbaz"
"bar" `isInfixOf` "foobarbaz"


The best known solution for F# can be found here:

let isInfixOf (what:string) (where:string) =
    where.IndexOf(what, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0
let found = "bar" |>isInfixOf<| "foobarbaz"


Also, it is easy to improve it a bit, employing native operators precedence:

let ($) = (|>)
let (&) = (<|)
let found = "bar" $isInfixOf& "foobarbaz"


There's also XML-ish </style/>, described here.


  • 不会破坏常用运算符的单个字符运算符(或一对);
  • 应该是相同的字符,Haskell中也应使用重音符(反引号);
  • 它不应破坏关联性(支持链接):

  • Single character operator (or a pair) that does not destroy commonly used operators;
  • It should be the same character, likewise grave accent (back quote) character serves in Haskell;
  • It should not destroy associativity (support chaining):

let found = "barZZZ" |>truncateAt<| 3 |>isInfixOf<| "foobarbaz"

  • (可选)它应支持采用元组的函数:

  • Optionally, it should support functions taking tuples:

    let isInfixOf (what:string, where:string) = ...
    // it will not work with |> and <|

  • (可选)它应正常处理functions/3:

  • Optionally, it should gracefully handle functions/3:

    val f: 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd = ...
    let curried = a |>f<| b c
    // this wouldn't compile as the compiler would attempt to apply b(c) first

  • P.S.我也欢迎各种编码技巧,因为我相信好的(当由F#Dev团队检查时)可以成为将来该语言的一部分.

    P.S. Various coding tricks are also welcome as I believe the good one (when checked by the F# Dev team) can be a part of the language in the future.



    I agree that the ability to turn functions into infix operators in Haskell is neat in some situations. However, I'm not sure if this feature would fit well with the usual F# programming style, because the same can be achieved using members.


    For example, let's take your snippet that uses truncateAt and isInfixOf:

    let found = "barZZZ" |>truncateAt<| 3 |>isInfixOf<| "foobarbaz"


    If we define TruncateAt and IsInfixOf as extension methods of string, then you can write:

    let found = "barrZZZ".TruncateAt(3).IsInfixOf("foobarbaz")


    This version is shorter and I personally think it is also more readable (espcially to someone with .NET programming background as opposed to Haskell background). You also get IntelliSense when you hit ., which is a nice bonus. Of course, you have to define these operations as extension methods, so you need to more carefuly consider the design of your libraries.


    For completeness, the extension methods are defined as follows:

    type System.String with
      member what.IsInfixOf(where:string) =
        where.IndexOf(what, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0
      member x.TruncateAt(n) =
        x.Substring(0, n)


    08-16 00:28