本文介绍了Visual Studio 2010 CFileDialog错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



错误C2664:``CFileDialog :: CFileDialog(BOOL,LPCTSTR,LPCTSTR,DWORD,LPCTSTR,CWnd *,DWORD,BOOL)'':无法将参数2从``const char [5]''转换为``LPCTSTR''

Hello! I have a problem with the following code, it gives me an error to CFileDialog part:

error C2664: ''CFileDialog::CFileDialog(BOOL,LPCTSTR,LPCTSTR,DWORD,LPCTSTR,CWnd *,DWORD,BOOL)'' : cannot convert parameter 2 from ''const char [5]'' to ''LPCTSTR''

void CROSH1Dlg::OnBnClickedSave()
	CStudentGrade StdGrades;
	if( this->m_StudentName == "" )
	//strcpy (StdGrades.StudentName, this->m_StudentName);
	StdGrades.StudentName = this->m_StudentName;
	StdGrades.SchoolYear1 = this->m_SchoolYear1;
	StdGrades.SchoolYear2 = this->m_SchoolYear2;
	StdGrades.English     = this->m_English;
	StdGrades.History     = this->m_History;
	StdGrades.Economics   = this->m_Economics;
	StdGrades.Language2   = this->m_2ndLanguage;
	StdGrades.Geography   = this->m_Geography;
	StdGrades.Arts        = this->m_Arts;
	StdGrades.Math        = this->m_Math;
	StdGrades.Science     = this->m_Science;
	StdGrades.PhysEduc    = this->m_PhysEduc;
	StdGrades.Total       = this->m_Total;
	StdGrades.Average     = this->m_Average;

	CString strFilename = this->m_StudentName;
	CFile fleGrades;
	char strFilter[] = { "Student Grades (*.dnt)|*dnt|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" };
	CFileDialog dlgFile(FALSE, ".dnt", strFilename, 0, strFilter);

	if( dlgFile.DoModal() == IDOK )
		// Save the record in binary format
		ofstream stmGrades(dlgFile.GetFileName(), ios::binary);
		stmGrades.write((char *)&StdGrades, sizeof(StdGrades));

		// Reset the dialog box in case the user wants to enter another record
		m_StudentName = "";
		m_SchoolYear1 = 2000;
		m_SchoolYear2 = 2001;
		m_English     = 0.00;
		m_History     = 0.00;
		m_Economics   = 0.00;
		m_2ndLanguage = 0.00;
		m_Geography   = 0.00;
		m_Arts        = 0.00;
		m_Math        = 0.00;
		m_Science     = 0.00;
		m_PhysEduc    = 0.00;
		m_Total       = 0.00;
		m_Average     = 0.00;



CFileDialog dlgFile(FALSE,_T(".dnt"), strFilename, 0, strFilter);

TCHAR strFilter[] = _T("Student Grades (*.dnt)|*dnt|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" );

and use..
TCHAR strFilter[] = _T("Student Grades (*.dnt)|*dnt|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" );

CString strDefExt = ".dnt";
CFileDialog dlgFile(FALSE, strDefExt, strFilename, 0, strFilter);

caption.Format("Student: %s", name);

错误C2664:``无效的ATL :: CStringT< basetype,stringtraits> :: Format(const wchar_t *,...)'':无法将参数1从``const char [3]''转换为``const wchar_t * ''

error C2664: ''void ATL::CStringT<basetype,stringtraits>::Format(const wchar_t *,...)'' : cannot convert parameter 1 from ''const char [3]'' to ''const wchar_t *''

this->m_StudentName.Format("%s", name);


Full code here, I try to make a open button:

void CROSH1Dlg::OnBnClickedOpen()

	CStudentGrade StdGrades;
	CFile fleGrades;

	//TCHAR strFilter[] = _T("Student Grades (*.dnt)|*dnt|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" );
	//CFileDialog dlgFile(FALSE,_T(".dnt"), strFilename, 0, strFilter);

	TCHAR strFilter[] = _T("Student Grades (*.dnt)|*dnt|All Files (*.*)|*.*||");
	CFileDialog dlgFile (TRUE,_T(".dnt"), NULL, 0, strFilter);

	if( dlgFile.DoModal() == IDOK )
		// Open a record in binary format
		ifstream stmGrades(dlgFile.GetFileName(), ios::binary);
		stmGrades.read((char *)&StdGrades, sizeof(StdGrades));

		// Change the caption of the dialog box to reflect the current grade
		char name[40];
		//strcpy(name, StdGrades.StudentName);
		CString caption;
		caption.Format("Student: %s", name);

		// Display the record in the dialog box
		this->m_StudentName.Format("%s", name);
		this->m_SchoolYear1 = StdGrades.SchoolYear1;
		this->m_SchoolYear2 = StdGrades.SchoolYear2;
		this->m_English     = StdGrades.English;
		this->m_History     = StdGrades.History;
		this->m_Economics   = StdGrades.Economics;
		this->m_2ndLanguage = StdGrades.Language2;
		this->m_Geography   = StdGrades.Geography;
		this->m_Arts        = StdGrades.Arts;
		this->m_Math        = StdGrades.Math;
		this->m_Science     = StdGrades.Science;
		this->m_PhysEduc    = StdGrades.PhysEduc;
		this->m_Total       = StdGrades.Total;
		this->m_Average     = StdGrades.Average;


这篇关于Visual Studio 2010 CFileDialog错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-15 06:05