

我反对以下内容(Ubuntu Trusty上的Python 2.7.10):

I'm up against the following (Python 2.7.10 on Ubuntu Trusty):

>>> from mimetypes import guess_extension
>>> guess_extension('text/html')
>>> guess_extension('application/json')
>>> guess_extension('text/plain')
>>> guess_extension('audio/mp3')

它正确地处理了text/html和application/json,对text/plain做出了错误的猜测,而对于audio/mp3却一无所获. (有趣的是,将最后一个更改为音频/mpeg将按预期返回'.mp3',但这不是我的数据源使用的.)

It got text/html and application/json right, made a bad guess for text/plain, and gave me nothing for audio/mp3. (Interestingly, changing the last one to audio/mpeg returns '.mp3' as expected, but that's not what my data source uses.)


Is there a more reliable alternative to this module that would return '.txt' and '.mp3' in my last two cases? I looked into python-magic, but based on everything I saw it looks like it needs to read the actual file data to function. In my case, all I have is the MIME type as a string.



If you're dealing with a fix set of mimetypes that guess_extension is getting wrong, put an override dictionary ahead of the guess.

known_extension = {'text/html': '.txt', ...}
extension = known_extension.get(mimetype) or guess_extension(mimetype)


09-20 22:24