


I use Developer Tools Console to run JavaScript commands. It is currently showing history of about 40-50 executed commands accessible using Up Arrow key.


In the history it is showing repeated commands multiple times and the earlier commands I executed 4-5 days ago have vanished.


Any Idea how to recover/save this history OR expand history to save unlimited commands (like in normal console)?


无法(从Firefox 55.0.1开始)指定要保留的历史记录项的数量实际上是无限的.但是,您可以指定一个更大的数字,最大为2147483647.为此,请转到 about:config .然后,将首选项 devtools.webconsole.inputHistoryCount 更改为所需的整数值.默认值为50.

There is no way (as of Firefox 55.0.1) to specify an actually unlimited number of history items to keep. However, you can specify a larger number, up to 2147483647. To do so, go to about:config. Then, change the preference devtools.webconsole.inputHistoryCount to the integer value which you desire. The default is 50.


You can verify that there's no way to specify an unlimited size from the source code.


There is no way to recover older, forgotten history (see source code linked above). It is forgotten.


The only way I have found to save such code (beyond what is stored in the history) is to copy and paste it into some other location. You could make a legacy add-on which made saving this history easier, but not a WebExtension. In a brief search, I did not find an already existing add-on to do so.


You can find more general information at:


09-17 09:02