In Word, I have an open document - I navigate in the 'Save As' dialog to a directory and select an existing file. When I now click 'Save' instead of 'Cancel', I get the message if I want to overwrite/merge the existing document.
Is it possible to intercept the 'Save' event in the 'Save As' Dialog so that I can change the file name of the open document, suppressing the overwrite/merge message? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Yes, it is totally possible to intercept Word commands. In the VBA days, it was as easy as creating a macro with the same name as the internal Word command.
在VSTO中,您需要将覆盖命令添加到Ribbon XML中,然后将回调添加到代码中.
In VSTO, you need to add the command overwrite to your Ribbon XML and then add a callback to your code.
MSDN中描述了整个过程: 在Office Fluent功能区上临时重新使用命令
The entire procedure is described in MSDN: Temporarily Repurpose Commands on the Office Fluent Ribbon
示例Ribbon XML (覆盖标准的保存"命令)
Sample Ribbon XML (overwriting the standard Save command)
<customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui"
onLoad="OnLoad" >
<command idMso="FileSave" onAction="mySave" />
<ribbon startFromScratch="false">
<tab id="tab1" label="Repurpose Command Demo" >
<group id="group1" label="Demo Group">
<toggleButton id="togglebutton1"
label="Alter Built-ins"
onAction="changeRepurpose" />
public void mySave(IRibbonControl control, bool cancelDefault)
MessageBox.Show("The Save button has been temporarily repurposed.");
cancelDefault = false;