本文介绍了在服务器上使用旧版本的 SVN 签出的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已经厌倦了查看这个存储库,但由于主机和客户端机器上的 SVN 版本不同,它返回一个解压错误:

I have tired checking out this repository but due to the difference in SVN version on host and client machine, it returns a decompression error:

$ svn co http://svn-rdlab.cs.upc.edu/subversion/asiya/public asiya
A asiya/bin/Asiya.pl
svn: E120104: ra_serf: An error occurred during decompression


And it seems like the decompression error comes from different SVN versions on host and client machine, similar to this problem: Cannot svn update, An error occurred during decompression

解决方案是在客户端使用相同版本的 SVN(如开发人员建议的 http://nlp.lsi.upc.edu/redmine/boards/12/topics/135)

The solution was to use the same version of SVN on the client (as suggested by the developers http://nlp.lsi.upc.edu/redmine/boards/12/topics/135)

但是我怎样才能使用旧版本的 SVN 来检查存储库?


And if there is a need to change the version of SVN and then how do I change it back to the current version?


The current SVN version on the server is:

subversion 1.6.17


svn, version 1.8.8


问题在于每个版本使用的 HTTP 客户端库.1.8.x 使用 serf,1.6 可能默认使用 neon.几年前我遇到了这个问题,但没有关于我如何修复它的笔记,所以这是我能记住的.

The issue is with the HTTP client libraries used by each version. 1.8.x is using serf, 1.6 is likely using neon by default. I had this problem a few years ago but don't have my notes on how I fixed it anymore, so here's what I can remember.

最好的选择是升级您的服务器;1.6.x 不再受支持,并且在较新的版本中有安全修复(1.6.x 行一直到 23 与安全修复).是的,我知道升级这样的基础设施不是一件小事,但它是保持环境健康的一部分.

The best option is to upgrade your server; 1.6.x is no longer supported and there are security fixes in newer versions (the 1.6.x line went all the way to 23 with security fixes). Yes, I understand that upgrading a piece of infrastructure like this is not a small undertaking, but it's part of keeping your environment healthy.

有一个 mod_dav_svn 配置指令,您可以在服务器上尝试;将 SVNCompressionLevel 设置为 0 将告诉服务器不要使用压缩.

There is a mod_dav_svn configuration directive you can try on the server; setting SVNCompressionLevel to 0 will tell the server to not use compression.

如果失败,您可以尝试通过编辑 [global]~/.subversion/servers 来强制客户端使用 neon 库/code> 部分,设置 http-library = neon.如果该库未包含在您的构建中(很可能),这可能不起作用.

Failing those, you can try to force the client to use the neon library by editing ~/.subversion/servers, in the [global] section, setting http-library = neon. This may not work if that library isn't included in your build (quite likely).

这篇关于在服务器上使用旧版本的 SVN 签出的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 04:53