本文介绍了如何在TFS 2012 RC中在签入之前强制进行代码审查?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我刚刚安装了TFS 2012 RC和Visual Studio 2012 RC.我看到一些有趣的担忧:代码审查,签入之前的构建成功.但事实并非如此!所以我的问题是:

I've just installed TFS 2012 RC and Visual Studio 2012 RC. I see some interesting feartures: Code Review, Build Success before check-in. But it do not! So my question is:

  1. 如何在TFS 2012 RC中在签入之前强制执行代码审查?
  2. 如何强制执行构建"签入策略(而非门控签入)?
  3. 内部版本"签入政策和门控签入"之间有何区别?



1) In team explorer, go to the "Settings" section. Choose "Source Control". When the window pops up, select the "Check-in Policy" tab. Click "add" and select the options you need.


2) Create a new build. On the "Trigger" tab, change to "Continuous Integration". This will force a build with every check in.

3)门控签入需要成功进行签入.连续集成(CI)签入(在构建设置的触发器"选项卡上找到这两个选项,并且您实际上可以在不同的构建上找到这两个选项)A门控检入将基本上将您的检入存储为变更集,在其上运行构建,如果构建失败,则拒绝签入. CI会检入您的代码并运行构建,该构建可能会失败也可能不会失败.

3) Gated check in requires a successful build to check in. Continuous Integration (CI) builds on check in (both options are found on the trigger tab in the build settings, and you can actually have both on different builds) A gated check in will basically store your check in as a changeset, run a build on it, and deny the check in if the build fails. CI checks in your code and runs a build, which may or may not fail.


这篇关于如何在TFS 2012 RC中在签入之前强制进行代码审查?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-07 20:26