

我正在使用Office 365 SharePoint,并且有要求对所有文档进行签入的要求.结果,无论何时有人上载文档,都会自动将其检出.有时,文档从不签入.我想编写一个脚本 (通过Powershell或CSOM-C#)将检入从未检入过的文件.

I am using Office 365 SharePoint and have a requirement to require check in for all documents. As a result of this, whenever someone uploads a document, it is automatically checked out. Sometimes, the documents are never checked in. I want to write a script (through Powershell or CSOM - C#) that will check in files that have never been checked in.

我可以通过转到库设置"->手动进行此操作.在没有签入版本的情况下管理文件,但是我有很多文档库和文件.我什至遇到过库中有超过5000项从未签入过的项目. 通过代码完成此操作的一种方法.

I can manually do this by going to Library settings -> manage files with no checked in version, but I have a lot of document libraries and files. I have even encountered libraries that have over 5000 items that have never been checked in. There has to be a way to do this through code.


https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/zh-CN/bfd510c2-250a-4bcb-952c-77f6e2e174bc/how-to-get-checked-out-file-with-no-checkedin -version-using-csom?forum = sharepointdevelopment



06-08 14:00