Teams SSO在消息传递"扩展的团队"选项卡和任务模块中工作正常,但在获取客户端令牌时却在团队机器人"任务模块中出现错误
Teams SSO is working fine in Teams Tab and task module of Messaging extension but getting below error in Teams Bot task module while fetching client token
使用以下代码在英雄卡的帮助下在Team bot中打开任务模块-
Using below code to open task module in teams bot with help of hero card -
相同的代码在Android Mobile应用程序的Teams Bot任务模块中也起作用.但是在浏览器,Mac和Windows的桌面应用程序中出现错误
The same code is also working in the Teams Bot task module in Android Mobile Application.But getting error in browsers, desktop app of mac and windows
As Nikitha mentioned in comment, we have confirmed with engineering team that it is not available on Teams tab now but they have it in their backlog. No ETA for now but I will update once they have any news forit.