


I'm interested in any way that I can create an Ant task to checkout files from SubVersion. I "just" want to do the checkout from the command line. I've been using Eclipse with Ant and SubVersion for a while now, but my Ant and SubVersion knowledge is somewhat lacking as I relied on Eclipse to wire it all together.

我一直在寻找SvnAnt溶为一体,这是。它可能工作得很好,但我得到的是NoClassDefFoundErrors。为了更经历了这可能看起来像一个简单的Ant配置问题,但我不知道这件事。我复制了svnant.jar和svnclientadapter.jar到我的Ant lib目录下。然后我试着运行以下命令:

I've been looking at SvnAnt as one solution, which is part of Subclipse from Tigris at http://subclipse.tigris.org/svnant/svn.html. It may work fine, but all I get are NoClassDefFoundErrors. To the more experienced this probably looks like a simple Ant configuration problem, but I don't know about that. I copied the svnant.jar and svnclientadapter.jar into my Ant lib directory. Then I tried to run the following:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<project name="blah">

 <property environment="env"/>

 <path id="svnant.classpath">
  <pathelement location="${env.ANT_HOME}/lib"/>
  <fileset dir="${env.ANT_HOME}/lib/">
   <include name="svnant.jar"/>

 <typedef resource="org/tigris/subversion/svnant/svnantlib.xml" classpathref="svnant.classpath" />

 <target name="checkout">
  <svn username="abc" password="123">
   <checkout url="svn://blah/blah/trunk" destPath="workingcopy"/>



build.xml:17: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/tigris/subversion/javahl/SVNClientInterface

我在Windows XP 32位运行SVN 1.7和1.3 SvnAnt

I am running SVN 1.7 and SvnAnt 1.3 on Windows XP 32-bit.




If you don't get SvnAnt working, you can always use exec:

<exec executable="/usr/local/bin/svn">
    <arg value="co" />
    <arg value="svn://repository/url" />
    <arg value="/destination/directory" />


06-08 00:17