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本文介绍了如何在Discord.py重写中定义对象的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 限时删除!! 如标题中所述,如何?我真的很难理解文档,因为没有任何示例。我该如何定义诸如VoiceState,Member,VoiceChannel等之类的东西。 在您必须开始咨询特定内容的文档之前,可以在教程上正常运行当您不知道如何定义对象或使用某些命令时,这变得非常令人沮丧... 解决方案很多这将来自经验,因此,如果花一些时间来掌握,不要气disc!我知道文档可能有些令人生畏,但我会通过举几个例子来尽力提供帮助。 制作不和谐的bot时,通常您会将基于参数和 这就是您知道如何处理每个对象的方法-将这些视为不和谐对象的模板,而不是您定义的对象! 如果您需要进一步说明或发现我的答案有任何错误,请通知我。 参考文献: commands.Command() -命令修饰符 commands.Context 协程 discord.Member Member.roles discord.Role Context.send() discord.TextChannel discord.utils discord.abc As stated in the title, how? I'm really struggling with understanding the documentation as there are no examples of anything. How do I define something like a VoiceState, Member, VoiceChannel, etc...Running on tutorials is fine until you have to start consulting the documentation for something specific, at which point it becomes really frustrating when you have no idea how to define objects or use certain commands... 解决方案 A lot of this will come from experience, so don't be discouraged if it takes a while to get the hang of! I know that the docs can be a bit daunting, but I'll try to help as best I can by giving a couple of examples.When making a discord bot, usually you're going to be getting information based off of arguments and ctx (context).First I'll start off with some general examples, and then I'll move onto how to use these when working with d.py.Parameters and argsWhen you create functions in python, you can define parameter types:def my_func(a: int): return a + 5What this does is assume that the args passed into my_func will be integers, and therefore behave as ints too:my_func(1)Will return, as you might expect, 6.However, when you try to pass in something like so:my_func("1")You'll get a TypeError which complains about concatenating str and int. Additionally, you can see the differences in an object when you list its attributes like so: dir(obj)When applying this same concept to a command:@bot.command()async def cmd(ctx, member: discord.Member): await ctx.send(f"Hello, {member.mention}!")But when using commands, what it does is it's able to get a member based off of an attribute you enter, such as the member's ID or name. The member that it finds, then has all of the discord.Member object's attributes.This means you'll be able to access things such as the member's roles, which return a list containing each role as a discord.Role object, which from there, you can get the role's attributes, and so on and so forth.SIDE-NOTE:Another way of getting objects in d.py is by using discord.utils. It takes in an iterable, e.g. a list, as the first argument, and then after that it takes keyword arguments, such as name, id, colour, or any attributes of an abc to return an object.Example:@bot.command()async def getrole(ctx): role = discord.utils.get(ctx.author.roles, name="Very Special Role!", mentionable=True) await ctx.send(f"Look at you with your {role.mention} How classy!")And that will iterate through each of the message sender's roles, looking for the name (case sensitive) Very Special Role! which is mentionable, and it will send the message using one of the role's attributes; mention.ContextWith commands, the first argument you're going to be passing in is Context, which by convention is denoted as ctx.As shown in the link, it has a range of attributes, which revolve mostly around the command's origin, author, and all other details about it [email protected]()async def hello(ctx): await ctx.send(f"Hello, {ctx.author.name}!")In the command there, I'm using the coroutine from context called send(), which is used for sending messages.And in the context of the command, it'll be sending it to the same channel, which is how that works.Also, an example of some commonly used superfluous code:ctx.message.channel.send("some message")ctx.message.author.send("some dm")can be respectively turned into:ctx.send("some message")ctx.author.send("some dm")But how do you know where you can send() a message to? Well that brings us onto the next part:Abstract Base ClassesThese are, what I'm assuming you were talking about when you were on about defining objects. They are the base templates for objects to inherit from - for example, TextChannel has inherited all of Messageable's attributes (except connectable, which is only inherited by discord.VoiceChannel.channel.I'll use abc.Messageable as an example. In the link, it gives us examples of some Messageable objects, i.e. where you can send messages to, and these are objects such as TextChannels, Members etc.Occasionally I see someone miss out an await or not know when to add them, or add them too often. You'll know when to add one, as the docs will state whether the function is a couroutine or not, for example:That's how you know what you can do with each object - think of these as templates for the objects you get within discord, not something that you define!If you need any further clarification or if you noticed any mistakes with my answer, please let me know.References:commands.Command() - decorator for commandscommands.ContextCoroutinesdiscord.MemberMember.rolesdiscord.RoleContext.send()discord.TextChanneldiscord.utilsdiscord.abc 这篇关于如何在Discord.py重写中定义对象的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 1403页,肝出来的.. 09-06 23:14