本文介绍了如何用 Ruby 学习 TDD?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我一直在专门使用 ruby​​ 大约一个月,我真的很喜欢它.但是,我在使用甚至学习 TDD 时遇到了难以置信的困难.我的大脑不能那样运作...

I have been using ruby exclusively for about a month and I really love it. However, I am having an incredibly hard time using, or even learning TDD. My brain just doesn't function that way...

我真的,真的很想学习 TDD,但说实话,我有点困惑.我在谷歌搜索时发现的所有文章大多是针对 Rails 的,这对我来说并不有趣,因为我想学习如何对任何 ruby​​ 应用程序进行有效的测试,从简单的单文件脚本到复杂的 gem,而不是为网络应用程序.此外,要开始使用的框架太多,教程却太少.

I really, really want to learn TDD but to be honest I am a bit confused. All the articles that I find when Googling around are mostly specific to Rails, which is not interesting to me because I want to learn how to do efficient testing for any ruby application, from the simple one-file script to the complicated gem, not for Web apps. Also, there are so many frameworks and so few tutorials to get started.

有人能给我关于如何学习 TDD 的任何建议,以便我至少可以开始认为自己是一个有抱负的 ruby​​ist 吗?

Could anybody give me any advice on how to learn TDD so that I can at least start to consider myself an aspiring rubyist?


学习 TDD 的最佳方式就是亲自动手.我建议您使用 TDD 构建一个新项目.这意味着除非测试失败,否则不要编写任何非测试代码.

The best way to learn TDD is by just doing it. I suggest you build a new project using TDD. This means don't write any non-testing code unless you have a failing test.


It will make you think about writing tests: I want to write this code, how do I write a test for it so I can write it.


It will show you the layered nature of testing. Instead of want a name that is required and can't contain numbers. you'll first test setting and reading a name, test requiring the name, test it shouldn't contain numbers, than think if it has more constraints and test those.


  • 在编写代码之前先编写测试
  • 确保测试失败!重要的是要知道您正在测试的逻辑是正确的
  • 在编写下一个测试之前,请确保所有测试都成功
  • 你可以随时清理你的代码,如果测试继续工作,你没有改变设计

这篇关于如何用 Ruby 学习 TDD?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-08 11:16