

在我的机器上,Windows 7的 - 企业,1个英特尔至强E5-1660 0 @ 3.30Ghz(6核心/ CPU超线程激活),Environment.ProcessorCount返回12,是精确的。

On my machine, windows 7 - Enterprise with 1 x Intel Xeon E5-1660 0 @ 3.30Ghz (6 cores/cpu with Hyper Threading activated), Environment.ProcessorCount return 12 which is exact.

在一个Windows Server 2012中有2个英特尔至强E5-2697 V3 @ 2.60GHz(14核/ CPU超线程激活的(我想是因为任务管理器显示:2个插槽,28核,56逻辑处理器)),Environment.ProcessorCount返回28这似乎给我们的错,因为2x14x2 = 56。

On a Windows Server 2012 with 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2697 v3 @ 2.60GHz (14 cores/cpu with Hyper Threading activated(I think because task manager show: 2 sockets, 28 cores, 56 logical processors)), Environment.ProcessorCount return 28 which appears to us as wrong because 2x14x2 = 56.

为什么在Windows Server 2012中的C#方法Environment.ProcessorCount不返回正确的?逻辑处理器的数目

Why on Windows Server 2012 c# method Environment.ProcessorCount does not return the proper number of logical processors?


As Additional information, environment variables are as follows:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS=28

更新2015- 05-26:


There is a more details/reasons of this related bug in my other question: Unable to use more than one processor group for my threads in a C# app. Mainly I think that C# does only use one processor group. What's werid was that on our server, there was 2 processor groups although there was only 56 logical processors. But this HP CUSTOMER ADVISORY explain why our server bios configuration were inducing windows in error.



There may be a hint in the docs:


"If the current machine contains multiple processor groups, this property returns the number of logical processors that are available for use by the common language runtime (CLR)."



默认情况下,池被限制在一个单一的处理器组(的),因此64个内核。然而,在.NET 4.5,您可以设置启用=真标志Thread_UseAllCpuGroups。

By default, the pool is restricted to a single processor group (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd405503(v=vs.85).aspx), and thus to 64 cores. However, in .NET 4.5 you can set the Thread_UseAllCpuGroups enabled="true" flag.


09-17 16:07