本文介绍了如何使用AWS S3 API非递归浏览目录的内容?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


说我在Amazon S3存储桶中有以下目录和文件(文件以粗体表示):

Say I have the following directories and files in an Amazon S3 bucket (files are in bold):

  • 存储区名称/
  • 存储区名称/文件夹1/
  • 存储桶名称/文件夹1/ foobar.txt
  • 存储区名称/文件夹1/子文件夹1/
  • 存储区名称/文件夹1/子文件夹1/ hello.txt
  • 存储区名称/文件夹1/子文件夹2/
  • 存储桶名称/文件夹1/子文件夹2/ world.txt
  • 存储区名称/文件夹1/子文件夹2/子子文件夹1/
  • 存储区名称/文件夹1/子文件夹2/子子文件夹1/ file.txt
  • bucketname/
  • bucketname/folder1/
  • bucketname/folder1/foobar.txt
  • bucketname/folder1/subfolder1/
  • bucketname/folder1/subfolder1/hello.txt
  • bucketname/folder1/subfolder2/
  • bucketname/folder1/subfolder2/world.txt
  • bucketname/folder1/subfolder2/subsubfolder1/
  • bucketname/folder1/subfolder2/subsubfolder1/file.txt

如何使用.NET AWS S3 API列出给定目录的所有对象和立即子目录,而不必递归地将所有内容和目录下的所有内容和立即子目录列出?换句话说,如何在单个级别上浏览"目录的内容?

How can I list all objects and immediate subdirectories of a given directory with the .NET AWS S3 API, without recursively getting everything below that directory? In other words, how can I "browse" the contents of a directory at a single level?


For example, imagine I want to browse the contents of bucketname/folder1/. What I would like to see is the following:

  • 存储桶名称/文件夹1/ foobar.txt
  • 存储区名称/文件夹1/子文件夹1/
  • 存储区名称/文件夹1/子文件夹2/


...and nothing else. I don't want to list the files and directories in subdirectories, I just want to list the files and subdirectories at the folder1 level.

是否可以将过滤器应用于单个AWS API调用,以使它不会返回一切并迫使我仅手动解析我需要的内容?

Is there a way to apply filters to a single AWS API call so that it doesn't return everything and force me to manually parse only what I need?


I've found that this code let's me get just the immediate subdirectories (as intended), but I can't figure out how to include the immediate files too:

var request = new ListObjectsRequest()

using (var client = Amazon.AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonS3Client(accessKey, secretKey))
using (var response = client.ListObjects(request))
    foreach (var item in response.CommonPrefixes)
        /* ... */



I had the opposite problem (I knew how to get the files in the specified folder, but not the subdirectories).


The answer is that Amazon lists files differently than it does sub-folders.

子文件夹在 ListObjectsResponse.CommonPrefixes 集合中列出.

Sub-folders are listed, as your example shows, in the ListObjectsResponse.CommonPrefixes collection.

文件在 ListObjectsResponse.S3Objects 集合中列出.


So your code should look like this:

var request = new ListObjectsRequest()

using (var client = Amazon.AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonS3Client(accessKey, secretKey))
using (var response = client.ListObjects(request))
    foreach (var subFolder in response.CommonPrefixes)
        /* list the sub-folders */
    foreach (var file in response.S3Objects) {
         /* list the files */


my google search turned up this post on the burningmonk blog with this in the comment section:


To list the con­tents of a ‘root­folder’, make the request with pre­fix set to the name of the folder plus the back­slash, e.g. ‘rootfolder/’ and set the delim­iter to ‘/’. In the response you’ll always have the folder itself as an ele­ment with the same key as the pre­fix you used in the request, plus any sub­fold­ers in the ‘Com­mon­Pre­fixes’ property.

这篇关于如何使用AWS S3 API非递归浏览目录的内容?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-27 06:39