本文介绍了在同一个函数中,UB 是否可以通过间接访问访问不在作用域内的局部变量?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



在第二个右大括号之后,b 只能通过 a 间接访问.

After the second closing brace, b is accessible only through indirection through a.

int main() {
    int *a;
        int b = 42;
        a = &b;
    printf("%d", *a); // UB?
    return 0;

既然 b 不在范围内,这是 UB 吗?我知道从已经返回的函数中取消引用指向非静态局部变量的指针是 UB,但在这种情况下,所有内容都在同一个函数中.

Since b is not anymore in scope, is this UB? I know it's UB to dereference a pointer to a non-static local variable from a function that has already returned, but in this case everything is within the same function.

这是 C++ 中的 UB,但我不确定 C.

This is UB in C++, but I'm not sure about C.



Yes, it's undefined behaviour to access any variable that has reached it's end of life. Scope and storage duration are subtly different here. Scope is more "when is the variable identifier visible?" and storage duration is "when does the variable itself exist?".


You can have things in scope and enduring such as:

int main (void) {
    int spoon = 42;
    // spoon is both in scope and enduring here
    return 0;


int main (void) {
    int *pSpoon;
        static int spoon = 42;
        pSpoon = &spoon;
    // spoon is out of scope but enduring here (use *pSpoon to get to it)
    return 0;


You can also have variables out of scope and not enduring, such as with:

int main (void) {
    // spoon is neither in scope nor enduring here ("there is no spoon")
    return 0;


In fact, the only thing you can't have is a variable in scope but not enduring. The identifier is tied to the the storage since it makes little sense allowing a variable with no backing storage.

我不是在这里谈论指针,这是一个额外的间接级别 - 范围内的指针变量总是存储指针值本身,即使它指向的东西to 已结束或尚未开始其存储期限.

I'm not talking about pointers here, that's an extra level of indirection - an in-scope pointer variable always has storage for the pointer value itself, even if the thing it points to has ended, or not yet begun, its storage duration.


The fact that undefined behaviour may work in some situations in no way makes the behaviour defined, in fact that's one of the most annoying features of undefined behaviour in that it sometimes does work. Otherwise it would be much easier to detect.

在这种特殊情况下,b 变量存储持续时间在内部右大括号处结束,因此在该点之后尝试访问它是不明智的.

In this particular case, the b variable storage duration ends at the inner closing brace so trying to access it after that point is not wise.

标准的控制部分是c11 6.2.4 对象的存储持续时间(稍微解释以删除不必要的位):

The controlling part of the standard is c11 6.2.4 Storage duration of objects (slightly paraphrased to remove unnecessary bits):


其标识符声明为没有链接且没有存储类说明符 static 的对象具有自动存储持续时间.

An object whose identifier is declared with no linkage and without the storage-class specifier static has automatic storage duration.


For such an object, its lifetime extends from entry into the block with which it is associated until execution of that block ends in any way.

这篇关于在同一个函数中,UB 是否可以通过间接访问访问不在作用域内的局部变量?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 10:02