

我从执行命令 dumpheap -n&LT获得回溯; PID> <文件> 。我必须将这些地址转换为函数名和行号,以使这些回溯意义。我用addr2line将这些地址转换为函数名。这是我使用的命令 addr2line -C -f -e<&LIBNAME GT;的.so<地址> 。有一些地方addr2line让我在函数名的地方$ t,但给人的文件名:行号正确。我应该怎么解决这个'$ T'到函数名。

I have backtraces obtained from executing the command dumpheap -n <PID> <file>. I have to convert these address to function names and line numbers to make these backtraces meaningful. I used addr2line to convert these addresses to function names. This is the command i used addr2line -C -f -e <libname>.so <address>. There are certain places where addr2line gives me $t in the place of function names but gives the filename:linenumber correctly. How should i resolve this '$t' into function name.


我找到了自己的解决方案。我换成 addr2line 使用Android提供的那个 ARM-Linux的androideabi-addr2line 和它的工作般的魅力。

I found the solution myself. I replaced addr2line with the one provided by android arm-linux-androideabi-addr2line and it worked like charm.


07-14 23:01