有没有办法定义一个包含 #include
Is there a way to define a macro that contains a #include
directive in its body?
If I just putthe "#include
", it gives the error
C2162: "expected macro formal parameter"
因为这里我没有使用 #
如果我使用# include
since here I am not using #
to concatenate strings.
If I use "# include
", then I receive the following two errors:
error C2017: illegal escape sequence
error C2121: '#' : invalid character : possibly the result of a macro expansion
所以就像其他人说的,不,你不能在宏中包含 #include 语句,因为预处理器只执行一次.但是,您可以使用我最近发现自己使用的一个技巧,让预处理器完成基本相同的操作.
So like the others say, no, you can't have #include statements inside a macro, since the preprocessor only does one pass. However, you can make the preprocessor do basically the same thing with a gnarly trick I found myself using recently.
意识到预处理器指令不会在宏中执行任何操作,但是它们会在文件中执行某些操作.因此,您可以将要变异的代码块粘贴到文件中,将其视为宏定义(可以由其他宏更改的部分),然后在各个位置#include 这个伪宏文件(make确保它没有包括警卫!).它的行为与宏不完全一样,但它可以实现一些非常类似于宏的结果,因为#include 基本上只是将一个文件的内容转储到另一个文件中.
Realise that preprocessor directives won't do anything inside a macro, however they WILL do something in a file. So, you can stick a block of code you want to mutate into a file, thinking of it like a macro definition (with pieces that can be altered by other macros), and then #include this pseudo-macro file in various places (make sure it has no include guards!). It doesn't behave exactly like a macro would, but it can achieve some pretty macro-like results, since #include basically just dumps the contents of one file into another.
For example, consider including lots of similarly named headers that come in groups. It is tedious to write them all out, or perhaps even they are auto-generated. You can partially automate their inclusion by doing something like this:
/* tools.hpp */
#ifndef __TOOLS_HPP__
#def __TOOLS_HPP__
// Macro for adding quotes
#define STRINGIFY2(X) #X
// Macros for concatenating tokens
#define CAT(X,Y) CAT2(X,Y)
#define CAT2(X,Y) X##Y
#define CAT_2 CAT
#define CAT_3(X,Y,Z) CAT(X,CAT(Y,Z))
#define CAT_4(A,X,Y,Z) CAT(A,CAT_3(X,Y,Z))
// etc...
/* pseudomacro.hpp */
#include "tools.hpp"
// Note especially FOO, which we can #define before #include-ing this file,
// in order to alter which files it will in turn #include.
// FOO fulfils the role of "parameter" in this pseudo-macro.
#include INCLUDE_FILE(head1,tail1.hpp) // expands to #head1FOOtail1.hpp
#include INCLUDE_FILE(head2,tail2.hpp)
#include INCLUDE_FILE(head3,tail3.hpp)
#include INCLUDE_FILE(head4,tail4.hpp)
// etc..
/* mainfile.cpp */
// Here we automate the including of groups of similarly named files
#define FOO _groupA_
#include "pseudomacro.hpp"
// "expands" to:
// #include "head1_groupA_tail1.hpp"
// #include "head2_groupA_tail2.hpp"
// #include "head3_groupA_tail3.hpp"
// #include "head4_groupA_tail4.hpp"
#undef FOO
#define FOO _groupB_
#include "pseudomacro.hpp"
// "expands" to:
// #include "head1_groupB_tail1.hpp"
// #include "head2_groupB_tail2.hpp"
// #include "head3_groupB_tail3.hpp"
// #include "head4_groupB_tail4.hpp"
#undef FOO
#define FOO _groupC_
#include "pseudomacro.hpp"
#undef FOO
// etc.
这些包含甚至可能位于您想要重复的代码块中间(更改 FOO),正如 Bing Jian 要求的答案:包含#include指令的宏定义
These includes could even be in the middle of codes blocks you want to repeat (with FOO altered), as the answer by Bing Jian requests: macro definition containing #include directive
I haven't used this trick extensively, but it gets my job done. It can obviously be extended to have as many "parameters" as needed, and you can run whatever preprocessor commands you like in there, plus generate actual code. You just can't use the stuff it creates as the input into another macro, like you can with normal macros, since you can't stick the include inside a macro. But it can go inside another pseudo-macro :).
Others might have some comments on other limitations, and what could go wrong :).
这篇关于包含#include 指令的宏定义的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!