I want my application to have a single document but several screens without resorting to several windows. What's the best way to achieve this? I'm thinking of using a single NSPersistentDocument that will start with a NSViewController displaying a set of controls and then swap that view for another NSViewController.
My question is: is this the correct use of NSViewControllers? Can it even be done? And if the answer to both is yes, how do I swap a view for another in a document?
是的,它是完全的可能做到。是的,你应该使用视图控制器,但你不必。这是一个风格的选择。如果你不使用视图控制器,那么所有的控制器逻辑很可能在你的单个窗口控制器。这可能会让一个大应用程序的痛苦。 View控制器可帮助您将UI分解为逻辑组件和控制单元。
Yes, it's completely possible to do. Yes, you should use view controllers but you don't have to. That's strictly a stylistic choice. If you don't use a view controller then all the controller logic would likely be in your single window controller. That might get painful for a big app. View controllers help you break down your UI into logical components and control units.
You'd go about doing the view controller method like this:
- 为每个组件视图创建单独的xib。
- 为每个xib创建一个视图控制器子类,
- 您可以进一步使用此选项,并在视图中的单独区域中使用子视图控制器。
- 在您的窗口的awakeFromNib类中控制器,实例化所有顶级视图控制器。
- Create separate xibs for each of your component views.
- For each xib, create a view controller subclass that loads, owns, and controls it.
- You could go further with this and have sub view controllers for separate areas within views.
- In your awakeFromNib class of your window controller, instantiate all your top-level view controllers.
Now you've got the basic framework for an app with multiple top-level view controllers. From here the task is to arrange the views in the main window as you need them or as user input dictates. Sometimes you might have 3-4 top-level views sometimes 1, and in your case you just want to swap out one for the another. There is no huge difference between these scenarios.
There are many ways to achieve this.
For your specific case, an easy way to go about it is:
- 使用顶层无Tabless和无边框选项卡视图,并以编程方式设置选定的选项卡。
In general you can do a bunch of things:
- $ b $ b
- 根据需要移动(动画)子视图进入/离开或在可视区域内。
- 在主窗口中使用拆分视图来折叠和取消选中您想要或不想显示的区域。
- Manually arrange the sub views in the main window's content view.
- Move (animate) sub views in/out or within the viewable area as needed.
- Use split views in the main window to collapse and uncollapse areas that you want or don't want showing.
BTW this method works regardless of whether you are creating a document-based app or not or whether it is a single-window or multi-window document based app.
The one downside to using view controllers is a lot of the top-level view layout and management has to be done programmatically and not in IB. But it's not that difficult.
通常你只需要做一个addSubview:和setFrame :,将你的视图放在你已经在IB中布局的父视图中。
Usually you just need to do a addSubview: and setFrame:, to place your views in a parent view you already laid out in IB.
But to do more complicated and manual stuff you should read up on the docs and get to know how the following work: frame/bounds, flipped coordinates, autoresizing, and how to override autoresizing to do your own layouts.
- Introduction to View Programming Guide for Cocoa