I'm building a system that will auto-drop someone from one or more mailing lists, when they subscribe to another mailing list. I have a table 'lists' containing the list names. Each list will have one or more children in the form of 'exclusions', which are basically other lists. Here is my table:
I'm wondering how best to achieve this. I originally thought of having another table called 'exclusions' linked via a lookup table with a many-to-many relationship, then I could grab all the exclusions for a particular list name.
However, the exclusions are basically the same list names that are contained in the lists table, so it seems like I have redundant data there.
是否有更好的方法来实现这一目标?我考虑向列表表中添加一个额外的列,其中包含我需要排除的其他列表的 ID.
Would there be a better way of acheiving this? I considered adding an extra column to the lists table, containing the ID's of the other lists that I need to exclude.
I found that the answer lies here, in the form of a 'junction' or 'mapping' table: How can I associate one record with another in the same table?